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Entropia Universe News Entropia Universe 18.0.1 Release Notes


  • Added a search to Inventory and Storage that filters and highlights items
  • Options > Interface
    • Added toggle for “Show name in Dashboard”
    • Added toggle for “Show Account Balance in Dashboard”
    • Added slider for Chat background opacity
    • Added slider for Radar background opacity
  • Changed the button text from History to Graph in the Entropia Exchange
  • Improved tabbing in different chats to flip between channels


  • Fixed an issue where the Mouse input on the Action Bar for Navigation Actions did not work correctly
  • Fixed an issue when using actions on the Action Bar would sometimes not register a Tool Use
  • Fixed an issue where an action that moves you into range of a target did not work correctly
  • Fixed an issue where the Local Information banner display was presented with a delay
  • Fixed an issue where the Construction window icons appeared on top of each other
  • Fixed an issue where the Mission tracker moved to the left side of the screen when changing resolutions
  • Fixed an issue where the Hof Ticker could not correctly display long texts
  • Fixed an issue where the Chat did not correctly lose focus when clicking outside the Chat
  • Fixed an issue where the Contacts window did not lose focus properly when clicking outside it after the previous focus was search
  • Corrected text to LOOT when interacting with a dead creature

MindArk and the Planet Partners strive to ensure a smooth and problem-free Version Update. Nevertheless, even after extensive testing some issues may arise after release. Such issues are often addressed via mini-patches directly after a release and in subsequent patches. If you feel that the possibility of encountering minor issues or bugs directly after a Version Update affects your gameplay to an extent that Entropia Universe is not enjoyable, please wait until the mini-patches have been released and any last minute issues have been resolved.

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