Entropia Universe News
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New Features
Known Issues
New Features
Known Issues
MindArk and the Planet Partners strive to ensure a smooth and problem-free Version Update. Nevertheless, even after extensive testing some issues may arise after release. Such issues are often addressed via mini-patches directly after a release and in subsequent patches. If you feel that the possibility of encountering minor issues or bugs directly after a Version Update affects your gameplay to an extent that Entropia Universe is not enjoyable, please wait until the mini-patches have been released and any last minute issues have been resolved.
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- Space Mining has been added to space
- New Attached Mining Lasers added
- Basic Mining Laser, Type A, added to Space Mining Terminals
- New Mounted Mining Lasers added
- Basic Mining Laser, Type M, added to Space Mining Terminals
- New L Blueprints added for all Mining Lasers
- Blueprints for lower-rank mining lasers are now available for purchase at Space Mining Terminals
- Blueprints also drop by crafting any weapons.
- New Mounted Defensive Weapons added
- New Space Mining Professions added
- New Space Mining Skills added
- Asteroid Belts containing mineable asteroids have been added to all planet's local space areas:
- Arkadia
- Calypso
- Cyrene
- Howling Mine
- Monria
- Next Island
- Rocktropia
- Toulan
- Four new mineable asteroid types full of various minerals and energy matters have been added and can be found in belt areas around planets and space stations:
- C-types asteroids
- S-types asteroids
- F-types asteroids
- M-types asteroids
- New ‘Asteroid’ category added to the Hall of Fame
- New Space Mining trade terminal added to space stations
- New Space Pirate creatures added
- Space Pirate creatures can be found in areas with derelict spaceships
- New Codex tabs added. ‘Creature’ and ‘Asteroid’
- New Tailings Recycle Station added to most space stations
- Use the Tailings Recycle Station to recycle Tailings dropped from asteroids into minerals and gems
- Recycling tailings requires a “Scrip”, which can be crafted using a Blueprint in the new Space Mining Trade terminals
- New equipping functionality while seated in a gunner seat added for Mounted Vehicle Mining Lasers, Tools and Weapons added.
- Note: Some Mining Lasers, Tools, and Weapons cannot be used in certain vehicles due to limitations caused by the spacecraft's pre-determined mounting levels
- The new Pioneer Mining Ship (L), an Asteroid VTOL mining craft with three seats, has been added. Talk to Shipwright Shoal in the Howling Mine for more information
- Pioneer Mining Ship features:
- High-power level Mounted Mining Lasers slots
- High-power level Mounted Defensive Weapons slots
- Pioneer Mining Ship features:
- Added Interplanetary Teleportation between all planetary space stations
- Teleportation Tokens are required for Interplanetary Teleportation
- Teleportation will cost 15 Teleportation Tokens
- Teleportation weight restriction is 150kg
- Added Teleportation Token
- Teleportation Token Blueprints can be found in the Space Mining Terminal
- Added “Launch to Space” Action
- Action available outside PvP areas
- You need a Space Thruster equipped to do this action
- New inventory tab added for vehicle-related items
- Oil and Welding Wire do not appear in this tab
- Updated Howling Mine, including:
- The previous asteroid is now classified as a planet
- Got a new Interior area
- Features:
- Apartments
- Club Neverdie
- Daily Contractor Missions
- Daily GenesisStar Missions
- Daily Job System Missions
- Shipyard Mission
- Hunting Area
- Mining Area
- Shops
- New Space Station added
- New “Shifter” creature added
- New secondary entrance added. This entrance requires a Space Thruster to enter
- Howling Mine Terminal area
- New Space Station
- New respawn location for death near or in Howling Mine
- Docked with Motherships, Privateers, and Prospectors
- Possible to enter and leave the area without requiring a Space Thruster
- Space vehicle speeds adjusted
- Lowered cooldown for placing vehicles
- Enhanced visibility in space by enhancing lighting
- Added medium mining mounting power level capacity to Quad-Wings and Sleipner VTOL
- Added medium mining turret power level capacity to Mothership
- Added medium mining turret power level capacity to Privateer
- Space Station to Planet teleportation cost removed
- Audio in space has been updated
- Extended safe zones (non PvP) around all planet space stations
- Fixed an issue where the camera would “reset” incorrectly when the player started moving in a spaceship
- Fixed an issue where music wasn’t playing correctly in space
Known Issues
- Clicking on an Asteroid Codex Challenge notification will open the Codex to the creature tab
- Flying through some areas can give a false message “Approaching Lootable PvP Zone”
- The Shipyard mission objectives do not display updates visually; however, progress tracking continues accurately in the background
- “Universal Ammo Conversion” option in Space Mining Terminals is set to 0.
- “Launch to Space” Action doesn’t show error notifications
- Space map “H” feature and ship location are not working correctly
- Issues with the ATH and HOF categories being mixed up
- Health bars appear red on ships and avatars
- Howling Mine Terminals are not set to be discovered
New Features
- Added several new trees and vegetation to Port Atlantis area
- Added several new trees and vegetation to Camp Icarus area
- Area around Port Atlantis and Camp Icarus has been terraformed into a lush, vibrant, and revitalized environment more closely fitting with Calypso lore
Known Issues
- Map of the area surrounding Port Atlantis and Camp Icarus hasn’t been updated
- Possible to get stuck in some vegetation around Port Atlantis
MindArk and the Planet Partners strive to ensure a smooth and problem-free Version Update. Nevertheless, even after extensive testing some issues may arise after release. Such issues are often addressed via mini-patches directly after a release and in subsequent patches. If you feel that the possibility of encountering minor issues or bugs directly after a Version Update affects your gameplay to an extent that Entropia Universe is not enjoyable, please wait until the mini-patches have been released and any last minute issues have been resolved.
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