Well-Known Member
We are seeking a repair crew for our runs in Cyrene training grounds.
Additional information how to get access to the ship can be requested in this in game chat channel [#pathfindervi].
The rules:
- Always execute the orders given by the pilot.
- Trades and trade spam are forbidden on the ship.
- Use of local channel is forbidden (Team and Force only).
- Piracy is forbidden.
- On the ship everyone is crew. Leave your personal feelings on the ground, and resolve problems with other avatars elsewhere.
The ship.
Pathfinder VI - class privateer.
Pilot deck:
Gunners deck:
Repair points:
Have fun and great skills.
We are seeking a repair crew for our runs in Cyrene training grounds.
Additional information how to get access to the ship can be requested in this in game chat channel [#pathfindervi].
The rules:
- Always execute the orders given by the pilot.
- Trades and trade spam are forbidden on the ship.
- Use of local channel is forbidden (Team and Force only).
- Piracy is forbidden.
- On the ship everyone is crew. Leave your personal feelings on the ground, and resolve problems with other avatars elsewhere.
The ship.
Pathfinder VI - class privateer.
Pilot deck:

Gunners deck:


Repair points:

Have fun and great skills.