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I'm after info to get Entropedia upto date

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
Recently ive started again to do Entropedia content, i do this every few months... i make 100's of additions at a time, be it mob pictures, teleport locations or maturities

this time i've been working on missions, over 50 added so far and i know thats about half so far, with rewards if i have them. plus many edits to bring some of the old content up to date.
i've added images and map locations for all teleporters and have started on blueprints, 9 so far

below is a screenshot of the new 20k kill point missions, you can see the data i'm missing
executor missions.jpg

any help filling this is much thanked. LINK

I've also wanting to know if any of the missions in this LINK still exists or was lost with the map change

i also plan to bring the templates upto date for each mob like below

i could just do with finalizing the missions first, as making templates is a fairly time consuming process

Missions added: 170
Mission Brokers added: 37
Images added: 148
Blueprints added: 13
Items added: 40
Added all combines for crafting items
Recipe for B.E. Improved Armor added
Video Walkthroughs for all 3 Platformers
Added the Hub

Templates added {{Lost Count}}
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Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
Quite suprised at how many missions were missing, still not finished but Entropedia broke on me and can't edit missions, Hopefully it recovers but i may have broken it.:BreakDance:

but so far im at
Missions added: 112
Mission Brokers added: 14
Images added: 96
Blueprints added: 9

and i've still to add all the arc faction, epic zora and refurb fap. on top of that is mining missions rank 3-5 (can anyone let me know the targets, i see rank1 is 100 and rank2 is 500)

@Kris | Cyrene one thing i noticed with the Mazeweavers, disregarding Gisuty as she was added as an easter egg, all mazeweavers names start with a R except for Tero..

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

Great, but why not start to give info on the mission itself (at the rank you are currently in) how much TT value of said skill it rewards? This is really good for motivating people, to do said missions.

Do other planets do that in their missions?

@Kris | Cyrene one thing i noticed with the Mazeweavers, disregarding Gisuty as she was added as an easter egg, all mazeweavers names start with a R except for Tero..

Ugh, Tero, that snake! He might have to be...R...changed?



Sandal San Tolk
Do other planets do that in their missions?
Calypso, the oldest missions we know accurately state skill rewards incl. available choices in the mission log. Few exceptions, mostly with robot species where there sometimes are dozens of choices. The only thing you can't see is the next stages ahead of the one currently active.

Is someone on Calypso who could make a screenshot of an example?

Ugh, Tero, that snake! He might have to be...R...changed?
I know! He was supposed to be called Reto, but you couldn't transport that Swiss accent in his text.
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Active Member
Do other planets do that in their missions?

As far as I know, when Arkadia launched, their devs posted themselves on Entropedia all this kind of stuff like mission rewards, mobs loot tables and item stats (guess someone familiar with Entropedia can confirm on infirm this looking at the edits history), so if that's true for sure there's a precedent. On the other hand, I don't think they kept updating them.

Now I don't even know what's MA's stance on that (if you are even allowed to disclose all these in the first place), but even if you are I'm not sure if that's a wise idea... since if all info is available right away it takes some fun from the discovery process and some merit from the pioneers that discover and share them with the community.


Active Member
Hey guys,

Do other planets do that in their missions?

Ugh, Tero, that snake! He might have to be...R...changed?


Yes. And it's great! Calypso even goes the extra mile, and put info where you can find said mob in the mission log itself. It would be great if ya can put a waypoint to find said mob also (similar to how npc brokers are shown, when you're done with a mission).

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

Calypso, the oldest missions we know accurately state skill rewards incl. available choices in the mission log. Few exceptions, mostly with robot species where there sometimes are dozens of choices. The only thing you can't see is the next stages ahead of the one currently active.

Yes. And it's great! Calypso even goes the extra mile, and put info where you can find said mob in the mission log itself. It would be great if ya can put a waypoint to find said mob also (similar to how npc brokers are shown, when you're done with a mission).

as others above have mentioned, yeah other planets do, it is helpful, especially for Entropedia updating ;)

Great feedback on this everyone, before the next PP VU we'll be adjusting the way points of many missions, so this is something we can attempt to add in as well, but I'll talk to MA and get any details of things I am and am not allowed to add.

As far as I know, when Arkadia launched, their devs posted themselves on Entropedia all this kind of stuff like mission rewards, mobs loot tables and item stats (guess someone familiar with Entropedia can confirm on infirm this looking at the edits history), so if that's true for sure there's a precedent. On the other hand, I don't think they kept updating them.

Now I don't even know what's MA's stance on that (if you are even allowed to disclose all these in the first place), but even if you are I'm not sure if that's a wise idea... since if all info is available right away it takes some fun from the discovery process and some merit from the pioneers that discover and share them with the community.

This is very interesting, there should definitely be some kind of discovery for those types of players, but is the amount of skills from a mission one of them?

so Reto? as San suggested ;) was there a lore reason for all the R names? or just fun

I didn't make any of this maze stuff, I'll talk to the guy responsible and make sure I understand correctly before I reply.



Active Member

If it would be up to me, I would like all information that would otherwise require a monetary investment to be found, to be made public so everyone competes on equal field (so yeah, I think, for example, mission rewards for the whole chain should be public so I can decide in full knowledge if I want to start a chain / multistage mission or not), while things whose discovery would not cost money (like location of certain quest points, criteria for unlocking a certain mission part or things like that) should be left out to people to discover.

And, by the way, one place where I would certainly appreciate a lot more transparency would be loot tables. I mean sure, I understand, it would be unrealistic (and even maybe against your rules with MA) to publish exact loot tables and that should be left to us to discover. But if you make a major change and remove a (UL) item from a mob's loot table I think we should know about this and not end up shooting thousands of mobs trying to grind an item that it's not even there anymore.

... just my 2 cents ...

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
Missions added: 170
Mission Brokers added: 37
Images added: 140
Blueprints added: 12
Items added: 26
Added the Hub

Templates added 5
Swamp Lurkers, Mang Chang, Crystal Pede, Drill Bots, Sea Wraith

at the moment i think i've got each mission except for some later stages, ie
Venataur, does it follow same mission style as the Nimets, i think so
Nimets, Need kp target for rank 5-6
Iron Mining, need targets for rank 3+

there are small bits here and there but mainly rewards which are currently unknown or incomplete

I've still plenty of images to upload, items and blueprints to add and templates to work on but at least the main part is as good as complete.

currently done about 1400 updates
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