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Bug Report Incredible low FPS (A>R.C. Camp Gamma

Jenny ferr

New Member
I been trying to do some work on the noob challenge as well as getting some hides in the process(not successfully, thanks MA) and for some reason I only have ~30fps in this area.
If I'm alone or other people don't matter, and my machine should be capable of handling it at minimum 50fps, when compared to other planets.
at Arkadia I usually don't go below 60-65fps, Calypso/Rocktropia 50-65fps most areas, and to show you a pressure test I did on Arkadia look at this video http://www.twitch.tv/entropiaplanets/b/492801547, was running around 30-35fps at this event (at the beginning anyway, streaming and with loads of red dots and people)

My PC specs you can see on my own Twitch Channel: http://www.twitch.tv/jenny_ferr

Some pics from random location with FPS showing in the top right corner, same location just turned on the spot:
East.jpg West.jpg North.jpg South.jpg
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Active Member
Yep, of all the planets Cyrene has the worst absolute worst optimization. The key to improving your FPS on planet cyrene is to put Draw distance in advanced options to Safe mode, my soc mate stoney gave me this tip.. And it improved my FPS dramatically from 25-30 to 50-60 fps at A.R.C Gamma.

I think it's because they have too advanced effects / too much on screen.. combination of sorts, this thing needs a fix ASAP.
I also get huge fps drops from certain creatures when they are doing their attack animation. Mostly from Zeladoth, Dire Plant, Paneleon.. Huge fps drops for 1-2 seconds. From 60 fps to 35- That is noticeable lag, and very annoying. I know it ain't my PC either, since pretty much in all other planets I get constant 60 fps at very high unless there's an event..

Another troublesome area with massive lag for me is the one North east of A.R.C HQ @ the Scout bots 100/200. Without safe mode on draw distance i have 25-30 fps..


Active Member
also for dev team

imo the cause is the enormous ammount of scenery. The entire island with the arc headquarters is the same problem.

solution would be to remove most of the scenery.


Fate Thanatos Themis
i like how this new Cape Corinth server looks on Calypso - alot of advanced visual effects, scenery, and all still going smooth on "very high" settings, so here on Cyrene, removing things isnt the right way of improving game experience i afraid :(