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Bug Report Kaisenite Bugged?


Im not sure if it's just the description it states 'uncommon' and none to be found.

I had some Iridium in storage from before the update and refind it for it to be Iridium Ingot.

The ore bugged or just the description?


Well-Known Member
After many many many probes dropped in area rumored to be kaisenite, many different finders. I found 3 claims of kaisenite all Minimal I size , only way to find it is with the 001 TT Finder on Cyrene. I dont know how these craftable items will become common with alot of kaisenite required to craft. Its a token mission as well thats pretty much worthless, cause of the rarity. It seems the description there is just mislabeled, but on a serious note to find 100 ingots of kaisenite just to craft one item will take 3-5 days intense camping the area. And if the only finder thats going to find it is a 2 probe a hit finder , then it will take ages and ages, and willl make crafting armors, weapons inpractical. Kaisenite along with Zorn Star Ore and Bonding Liquid are the most used materials in carfting these items, but Kaisenite (unless someone can harvest with a decent finder quanitity) 3 Ingots from 3 Claims is all you gonna get.

Maybe the loot rebalance in the Mini Patch tommorow will fix this problem, but as a Level 52 experienced miner and cannot find kaisenite unless with a 001 Finder from the TT, crafting items will become very very expensive, and thats not a good start in getting people to come to Cyrene. Hazy Crystals and Blue Crystals are in similar rareness (Hazy is very rare, so is understandable as hard to get) (Blue is uncommon, used in a token mission , average 1-2 claims a run at the most).
