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Looking for Booth/Shop

One Trick Mind

New Member
Im not sure if this is the right place on the forum to post this (since its a mixed thread but all about property). Please move it to the right topic if it isnt.
Im looking to buy/rent booth or shop on Cyrene.
Im fairly active, been going to this planet for few months now and should have an idea of what can be of interest (or work towards more items if there is anything else needed).
But im a bit lost. Ive seen the booth camp and im aware there are few more shops open in Janus?
Maybe some permanent/regular residents of the planet could share some ideas on how better approach the task. Is it worth to wait for when more shops from Janus are released? What was the distribution method? Just sold on AH or event based? Was there a price for it?
Or is it better to try to acquire w/e is already on the market?
And also if you are a booth/shop owner please contact me. Im open to both: buy or rent.
Kind regards. Mind.
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