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Merfolken Beach Head? not incrementing


I will try again today to see if it increments the count. I killed about 5 yesterday and the count remains 0/20. Was working @~pos 132,75

I'm not sure if I had taken this quest before the update. I may have to abandon and restart?


Well-Known Member
Normally it counts, and you are at about the right location. I would say since you are at 0, abandon and restart.


Active Member
This is another one of those where your location is critical. There is a small boundry you have to be in for them to count, abort and when you go back notice about the area where it tells you to start killing them. YES even a few feet out of the 'boundry' will shut off the incrementing.

The one set of drill bots is VERY BAD for this too. They really need to open up the area a bit where you get credit for doing these missions.



Active Member
A few things I noticed.
The Blueprint terminal at the supply depot, it does not have any of the books for the general stuff, not planet specific but general books like for attachments, component V 1 and 2, tools, and stuff like that. Given we can get these prints to drop when we craft it'd be nice if we could buy a book here on Cyrene to put them all in.

Also, sweating panelions [138733, 77780, 100] general area, it's so damned dark here. Even rebooting and stuff it's dark as hell, Why? It's not night time either, it's dark during the day too. Turn the friggin gamma up on this zone or something, lets get some light in here :D


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

Went ahead and make the area that counts for this mission much larger to encompass more than the whole island for the next VU, same for the "They're taking our minerals! (aka the drill bot mission) for the next PP VU.

The Blueprint terminal at the supply depot, it does not have any of the books for the general stuff, not planet specific but general books like for attachments, component V 1 and 2, tools, and stuff like that. Given we can get these prints to drop when we craft it'd be nice if we could buy a book here on Cyrene to put them all in.

I'll see what we can do to get universe wide BP Books in the Technician terminal for the next PP VU.

Also, sweating panelions [138733, 77780, 100] general area, it's so damned dark here. Even rebooting and stuff it's dark as hell, Why? It's not night time either, it's dark during the day too. Turn the friggin gamma up on this zone or something, lets get some light in here :D

I'm going to make a new thread for this to keep the thread on topic.



Position was the issue. I positioned myself on the merfolken side of the downed lancer. Being at lvl 26 BLP Sniper those Merfolken are tough for me so I had to stay at the perimeter of the zone not to get swarmed. Got swarmed twice and died twice but completed the mission using CalyTrek CR Soul Mk.IV with Bull Tac30, 25.5-51dmg. Got a nice little treat at about 11/20.


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This problem is also present on the 20 Hackflins mission. I couldn't get one single kill to count towards it :)

Quest giver is arround (138116, 76694) I think.
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