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New Member
#1 - Since ores/emt cyrene have low demand - add somes global resourcer(if your want make everyone try add high mu
#2 - atm cyrene have 3 server , think add more one WITH FULL FLAT terrain WITHOUT MOB!!!!!!! can big boost to miners
#3 - PVP - can make more area flat? i know its good to pk , but know good to miner to
#4 - SOOTO , i think menace said it but i say bit better
give us ore/emt Imperium Coin with value 0,01 but not only to miners to hunters as well
your can excharge this to UL item UL BP

(yes like arkoins in ark) but without istance and everyone equal (hunters,miners)
*dont sure if engine allow do in craft to
#5 - Cyrene amps
I explain bit more later include nices setup and bp


New Member
Kinda 3 types amps

Imperium AMP
Turrelion AMP
Zekkhar AMP(Forget name other faction in cyrene)

All followed same pattern

LVL1 - Effy 2.1 - Decay 33 pec(if i do correct math) MAX tt 34 ped = 100 drop perfect fit to most miner
LVL2 - Effy 4.6 - Decay 85 pec MAX TT 88
LVL3 - Effy 6.1 - decay 1.6 ped max TT 165
LVL4 - Effy 8.1 - decay xx
LVL5 - Effy 12.1
LVL6 - Effy 18.1
LVL7 - Effy 25.1
LVL8 - Effy 35.1
LVL9 - Effy 50.1
LVL10 - Effy 75.1
LVL11 - Effy 125.1
LVL12 - Effy 150.1

Why fucked xx.1? push minimun claim Size
Why Big TT? well miners like do at last 100 drop on each amp
More easy to control

Why 3 types ?
Well since cyrene have this storyline and each "npc faction" location in one server with diference in resourcer can be good give options not to only miner but to crafters to can balance mu not much high and not much low ( i think around 110%-120% to craft and buy


New Member
Now i can dream about finders?

And other i forget

But its bit diference

Imperium with normal like caly ( F106 style)
Turrelion with less range finders with generate more size (old finder MD10 but 54 range? nops 22 like foma,ok dream but 30-35)
And third faction Big Range but less size(55 its default i like to see one with 60-70 to explore)
if i record Ozpyn ( or any other your wish) to do Similiar A,B,C,D,X Series eat ( Look A22 , D35 , and others )more probe , take more skills
and have low depth/normal decay

Just 5 Each

Imperiuml/Turrelion/Zak(zakkhar damm dont record)
Depth 343.00m
Depth 546.50m
Depth 712.00m
Depth 840.00m
Depth 1.000m

All can be L and TT i leave for you since mining finders usual have plenty use

And Ozpyn finders depend MA rules to it
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New Member
And New Islands be cool around 4 or 5 island with at last 4096x4096km size
With at last 90% flat and without mob

not actual island your cant do Square Mining(yes all mining do it) why not Square Islands? with TP mid - NE NW SE SW?
I accepty TAX 2% to your have MA reason to allocate more 2 full server( one server can hold 8128kmx8128km) but everyone be happy without taxed land(land can exist to made life more easy to our maps )

#1 Desert to turrelion amp/weapon resources
#2 Swamp to (insert name here) resoruces
#3 Grassland to Imperium
#4 Barrens/Ice to Overall resources

Ofcourse your can add bit to others to but i loved RT for one reason 2-3 ore type and more 2-3 for EMT per field
Its allow bigger stacks and craft alot happy beucase have plenty resource to do clicks

AMP crafters probaly love it
And BIG AMP gamblers to


New Member
News BP Layouts

Like direct resourcer imput

40 Alternative 10 Lysterium much more popular if compare
1 zorn 1 yellow crystal 10 Imperium cube 50 Imperium cube 2
100 imperium cube 3
*Just example not count tt value on it
if your want do COMP to people skilling or do residues do it
its cool


New Member
And Economy at end

Okay atm your economy bit bad
But after cyrene going grow your need stop drop all armory/weapons stuffs direct from mob

hunters going complain i know but armory/weapon and all others hunter stuff
your create specify BPS using Hunt stuffs

I Wish see example okay Weapon I
10 Imperium Cube and 200 turrelion electric

Okay direct opposite i said on other topic
But if Engine allow

Okay Turrelion Eletric your can craft with

X - Y - Z materials
A - B -C materials
D-E-F Materials

Dont matter
But i think better anything combined with like said sweat(first thing come in my mind) become Turrelion Electric (well its alternative if engine dont allow above)

Ofcourse can use bit ore/emt cyrene but cant more 20% bp or hunter loot going pain

its make Hunter -> crafter -> hunt
and mining -> amp crafter , bit help from hunt -> craft -> back to mining pool

Possible stay up avg/mu 115% most item to crafter/hunter/miners as well
With L crafter have demand
crafter demand -> mu on all item


New Member
MA - New Feature
And if ma allow after release new shops and crafters buy Shopkeeper
askhim to Allow shopkeepers do ORDERS ( Its HELP ALOT new economy since your never see much ppl at same time)

More cool if ma can do integrate all shopkeepers stuffs with auction and i can see this stuffs direct from auction
its probably shake not only cyrene economy but all economy