Folks, before you choose ANY mentor, you seriously need to consider several things.
First, what are your goals, what is your mentor's goals? Are they really interested in teaching you how to 'survive' and possibly profit in the game, or are they just looking to boost their numbers for the free stuff they get if you do manage to graduate?
What are your personalities? You both will or at least should be spending a LOT of time with each other. Are you going to click with each other, ie common beliefs, or are you going to fight like Republicans and Democrats? Yes there is a lot of non game 'persona' that comes through, and differing views on 'stuff' can cause a big problem many times.
Language, do you both speak the same language? EU is a world wide game, and if you and your mentor do not speak the same language fluently that can cause issues.
Play time, if you and your mentor rarely meet face to face because of times you play then it is not going to work out well for you.
Knowledge and goals again. WHAT do you want to become in EU. If you want to mine and your mentor is mainly a hunter, that might not help you very much in the long run. This game is incredibly complex, and you need someone who has been doing what you want to do for a while and has a GOOD reputation to succeed. If you jump on with someone who is offering to 'buy' you out, or 'pay you' to mentor under them, I can pretty much guarantee you will lose in the long run. That person does not have your best interests at heart.
A mentor is NOT an ATM machine, or a welfare hand out, or a slave to drop everything and come running every time you yelp. A mentor SHOULD though, be available to help you when you need it within reason, and show you things, and give you the advice you need to succeed in here. A good mentor may not have all the answers, but has been around a bit, didn't just show up out of nowhere, and knows who to ask to get you the answers you need.
Remember this: As a student, when you graduate, you get a suit of armor out of it. Your mentor gets a random 'gift' as well. Many people are scammers and are in it just to 'mass produce' students to get the gifts hoping to get something good they can turn around and flip for a lot of ped. Is buying you out going to help you in the long run? You may get a few ped up front as this type person uses you but a year or two down the road as you have lost hundreds if not thousands of ped because you never were taught the CORRECT way to do things. Is it worth it then?
Unless you really don't care about spending money and just want to 'buy' your way into self esteem and fame, you need to seriously consider who to choose as a mentor. Also, if it turns out your mentor is a POS and you drop them, you lose ALL the progress you made towards graduation with them.
You should choose a mentor fairly soon, but don't rush into it, ie dont wait months. Ask around, ask other players you will get to know what they think about your potential mentor. Look at their reputation as a mentor, get to know them and what others have 'discovered' about them.
If you do end up with a crappy one, you can always ask on the public channels and most folks are more than happy to give you the answers you need (within reason). If you do get a bad one, cut your losses early, as you progress it gets harder to advance.
Please be careful who you decide to go with. This can cost you a lot of REAL money if you pick a bad one.