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Ron Sophisicus cannot talk to


New Member
I picked up the daily crafting mission from Ron at Arc staging, and am unable to turn it in for the past couple of days. His buddy Will, next to him, looks like he has moved a little bit, and may be preventing people from talking to Ron. Someone should tell Will about personal space :)

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Ronus,

I picked up the daily crafting mission from Ron at Arc staging, and am unable to turn it in for the past couple of days.

Hmm, that's pretty strange, but he does have a few missions, can you be more specific as to which one so I can look into the issue further?

I will say that in the latest reports there are players who have picked up and completed his mission(s) within this month.

His buddy Will, next to him, looks like he has moved a little bit, and may be preventing people from talking to Ron. Someone should tell Will about personal space :)
I thought this was really funny, but these guys haven't shifted much within the last year I reckon =P.



New Member
Its the craft the Enkidd weapon mission, maybe I'll abandon it and see if i can pull it again. So, this worked, not sure why i couldnt turn the original one in but oh wells.
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Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Ronus,

Its the craft the Enkidd weapon mission, maybe I'll abandon it and see if i can pull it again. So, this worked, not sure why i couldnt turn the original one in but oh wells.

We'll look from the backend just to make sure there's no hiccups from our side just to see if anything can be adjusted.
