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Bug Report Stolen Armor Upgrade


New Member
I have submitted a support case for this, but the Stolen Armor upgrade is a 1 time upgrade, when the stolen armor was not a 1 time purchase from the vendor.


from the screen shots i have all items needed for the upgrade but unable to click it, since I have done it in the past. It does not say anywhere this is a 1 time mission.


New Member
The assumption is always that you can repeat a mission unless it is otherwise stated, especially when you can purchase parts for the mission after you have completed it prior. If this mission is not clearly noted as not repeatable then the only right thing for Cyrene Devs to do would be to allow Spike to complete a second set. This information needs to be clearly stated somewhere in the future to avoid any such confusion for other players.

Just my 2 pecs :)


Active Member
The stolen armour was/is player bound, if I recall correctly, and only available once per player from completing a mission that was long ago withdrawn (with an extended deadline because people felt too pressured originally). Thus, nobody can have two sets anyway is my take on this, but I could be wrong ofc.
Things became complicated with the planned replacement missions for a while, but they fitted the stolen armour upgrade into the other upgrade path, so players with and without could make progress.
I still have mine, so I dunno about bugs that have crept in.


New Member
It was/is playerbound, you picked it up from a terminal in the hub once you got enough badges to access the terminal. You paid for it with metal residue, and was no limit to how many you could buy. I got 1 set, and loved it.. the next day i went down and tried and was able to access the terminal again and buy a 2nd set. I loved the set enough, when the annouced they were taking it out of the vendor I stayed on Cyrene to help anyone else that came to the planet to get it, try and get it.

Everyone in my soc asked why would i buy a second set of soul bound armor, and the answer was "incase they ever make it tradeable". This was back what 10 years ago.

So as I said in the first post, the stolen vendor in the hub was not a 1 time access.. so this mission should not be 1 time access.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey everyone,

So there's some things in this thread that I want to address about this particular armor but also about repeatable missions as a whole.

For starters, even in Entropia (and most other games) missions are not default repeatable. In fact I'd say it's the opposite. On Cyrene we do our best to mark missions in some way that denotes they are repeatable either by title or by quest dialogue.

Two, when we were able to re-introduce the stolen armor to this chain, we had a lot of long talks with MA about it and due to the transition of player bound to unbound in the Imperium Armor Upgrade ultimately they decided that it was problematic from a balancing standpoint to allow this to happen more than once now that it unbinds the armor.

Especially considering that this armor bypasses the lower tiers and rare components needed to use the Stolen Armor set to upgrade into an Imperium Armor Set.

I hope this clears up any confusion around it.



New Member
Hey everyone,
For starters, even in Entropia (and most other games) missions are not default repeatable. In fact I'd say it's the opposite. On Cyrene we do our best to mark missions in some way that denotes they are repeatable either by title or by quest dialogue.

If that is how it was setup with MA and the reason for it not being able to be upgraded again I would have understood if the mission was listed that way a year ago when it was added back. Can you tell me from the image below which one is repeatable and which one isn't?

upgrade text.jpg

This will be the last i post about this, as the Devs think they did all they could to convey how the mission works from the response and i just didn't understand it i guess. I have worked out to get the upgrade done and will just move on.



Active Member
Thanks for the response Kris. It is one of the better/best answers I've seen from a dev in terms of explanation, and I even agree with MA's position, which is, let's face it, a rare occurence.
The info text shown above could have been a bit better - Here's what you'll need for the one-time UpTrade ... but it's still a grade A in my opinion, and thus part of the pretty good job you are doing.
(I tend not to praise much, but this week especially I think anybody doing a good job could possibly do with a friendly comment or two)