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Friends List

George Skywalker

Active Member
There is a "Follow" option which acts similar to a friends list I think.

From someone's profile select "Follow" to add them to your follow list.

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
yes, what George said :) you follow people and it's like 'friends'. You will then also see who of your friends are on the forum in the side bar on the Front page.

To follow someone - just click on a persons avatar picture and a pop up menu shows. Here you can follow :)

I just followed you :goodbee:


Active Member
Are you guys sure you want to follow me? I have been known to get into trouble on occasions, and some of them have become dinner :)

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
I tried to "double-like" your post Ace, but that feature is not available. :rolleyes:

There's definitely no keeping Softy out of trouble. I've been on the receiving end of "Softy-induced lights out" parties, but I've also been a participant in some crazy-ass things that we've done together, so I would venture to say from my perspective ... I wouldn't change a thing about Softy, BUT ...

Highly recommend that people elevate their alert status when she's on the planet. :D

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
LOL don't tell them that! Takes away all the unexpected fun! :)
Hey ... I would be negligent as someone who knows you as well as I do to NOT warn our fair community about you, BUT ... warned or not ... you are adept and prolific at producing the element of surprise, so I wouldn't worry too much if I were you. :D

Some things are just learned through personal experience! :p

But you're right ... the word of warning is definitely ... expect the unexpected ... for sure! :eek:

Let's now get back to the "Friends List" discussion - my friend. :D

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
I don't see what the fuss is really. Softy is harmless and funny...

As indeed are most women right :D

What could possibly go wrong ...nothing :eek:
Oh ye who are truly uninformed ... and I'm guessing your experiences with women rank up there with your level of comprehension skills, yes? :p

Are you sure you really want to take us on? :D

*Softy? ... looks like we need to have an enlightenment meeting with Ace*

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
How do you know softy isn't on my side? ;)

Well ... not that I want to put anyone's business out in the street or anything, but if you can identify with this type of behavior, then perhaps she IS on your side ... we saw plenty of this at the MS9 radio show parties on Calypso, so no tellin' what we can expect on Cyrene when it launches. :eek:



Active Member
*Softy? ... looks like we need to have an enlightenment meeting with Ace*

LOL I will make sure that is the first thing on my list when Cyrene goes live :)

How do you know softy isn't on my side? ;)

But of course I am ;) (need more smileys)

Well ... not that I want to put anyone's business out in the street or anything, but if you can identify with this type of behavior, then perhaps she IS on your side ... we saw plenty of this at the MS9 radio show parties on Calypso, so no tellin' what we can expect on Cyrene when it launches. :eek:

LOL I can't wait! Open the doors already! :) And just who was that trying to launch my ass in the air??

George Skywalker

Active Member
Well ... not that I want to put anyone's business out in the street or anything, but if you can identify with this type of behavior, then perhaps she IS on your side ... we saw plenty of this at the MS9 radio show parties on Calypso, so no tellin' what we can expect on Cyrene when it launches. :eek:

Someone probably launched a rocket into the air inside the ring and low and behold it probably came down on top of Softies head.

Poor Softy. Not her fault at all...

But of course I am ;) (need more smileys)




Active Member
LOL I need to get onto my other computer and find some of MS9, you know she isn't who she pretends to be. I am sure I have proof somewhere :)