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Enkidd Series A-41 (L) opinions


New Member
Hi all.

First i should say is, sorry for my bad English i hope anyone can help me.

I used to craft in cyrene, and i have a bp to Enkidd Series A-41 (L), im not a hunter so i'm not sure if is a nice weapon or not.

In this link is posible to check the stats

The weapon only have Mu in decade 144%...anyone can say me what could be actual MU in this weapon and if it could be easy to sell or not.

I know maybe its a dificult question but all the help is welcome.



They're great weapons due to a 'bug'. They're plasma but take blp amps instead of laser, which means you can put a dante on them :)

The bigger versions used to get looted and i'd buy them for 115% to get HG/plasma skills. Not sure what they'd go for now, the armatrix series is normally the preferred weapons these days, but I don't see why they wouldn't still sell for 115-120% for people wanting to skill plasma.