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"Unfinished Business - Part 3"

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
...um...the good kind? :dunno:

Was just curious about what kind of notes and what you would do with them! ;)

I can't wait until we can hit Cyrene to see what you might offer up. :thumbup:

Knowing how you like to write, I think Cyrene will be an inspiration for you, and I'm happy to see you telling stories again, it's always fun to experience your creative side. :)

George Skywalker

Active Member
Ok so this is the plan. We "invade" cyrene on may 1st and straight away make a dash for ziks. Kill roc birds on the way. Roast some zik with a flamethrower, nick some blue crystals and make it back to base with boffins on our side (healing and fighting with us). Got it :thumbup:

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
Ok so this is the plan. We "invade" cyrene on may 1st and straight away make a dash for ziks. Kill roc birds on the way. Roast some zik with a flamethrower, nick some blue crystals and make it back to base with boffins on our side (healing and fighting with us). Got it :thumbup:

Great, except for one thing ... the crystals are red. :p Here's a little pic from Part 2. :D


That's not to say that there might be a different color ... anything is possible. ;)

George Skywalker

Active Member
So we have purple crystals, red crystals and probably others ....intresting

Red crystals must be the volcanoe people zone / ziks

Which crystals do tree people have ?

George Skywalker

Active Member
In the meantime, we're working on some special things that we will be bringing to the community in the near future, so yes ... another "soon" for you Softy ... and another "teaser" for you Ace ... but isn't it cool to have stuff to look forward to? :p

Well it has to be before May 1st.

"special" things could be anything are they special special or just plain special :)


New Member
I'm not normally one for story lines, but I started reading from the beginning a few hours ago (slow reader :)) and just finished.


Excellent work

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
I'm not normally one for story lines, but I started reading from the beginning a few hours ago (slow reader :)) and just finished.


Excellent work

Thanks Hon, I really appreciate the feedback ... I know I can get a bit lengthy with content, but when Ed and I work on the story arc outline for each episode, his generosity with "official" Cyrene storyline that he throws my way to weave into the Covert Ops series gives me a great deal to work with.

I've always been one for detail because it helps to set the stage, as well as give a bit of flavor deeper than the surface where the reader can take their own imagination, and perhaps even ask themselves "what comes next." I'm still fine-tuning this style of writing, and I'm sure it will get better, but I'm incredibly grateful for the feedback and support. I'm more used to the type of writing I've done over the past 7 years in our universe, such as front page articles, player/society profiles, and magazine work, but I'm loving this far more. Although I DO intend to revive the profiles for Cyrene only, starting with a society profile later this month. :D

The next episode with the Zekkonians will actually involve real players and their participation in an in-game Covert Ops event. Ed and I will work on the story arc outline, and then those who participate in the event will have a role to play, which will actually be written into the completed episode after the event. There will be photos, and my media partner Syer will be capturing video footage to make a proper video as well. The event will also have rewards, but Ed and I still need to work that out.

I will share that I am also in the process of tweaking the episodes written thus far, and they will eventually become a part of a book series. The book will become available to the community later on. This will also be the case for each series that we do after the Zekkonians are completed.

As soon as everything settles down a bit more with regard to the soft launch and the patches, we'll get busy on the first in-game Covert Ops role-playing event. In the meantime, I also have my more official writing on the Chronicles to get back to that other writers on the team are working on as well, which will be published in the future. I just couldn't be in a happier place.

Thank you again for your lovely comments, I really appreciate it.


I sense a "Disturbance" in the Force
The next episode with the Zekkonians will actually involve real players and their participation in an in-game Covert Ops event. Ed and I will work on the story arc outline, and then those who participate in the event will have a role to play, which will actually be written into the completed episode after the event. There will be photos, and my media partner Syer will be capturing video footage to make a proper video as well. The event will also have rewards, but Ed and I still need to work that out.

Ooooooohhhhh....this reminds me of Dark Cat's "Battle Royale" Scenario she conjured up in Entropia some while back. I (and some of my fellow TDO nutters) participated in that and had a blast (pardon the pun) doing it.

Good luck, hon, and may the Muses guide your pen (or keyboard, as the case may be ;) ).

I'll be sure to jump on that bandwagon when the opportunity presents itself. :thumbup: