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With Planet to Planet TP gone..what now?


Active Member
My home world for now is on Planet Calypso and I'm currently on Next Island awaiting your planet release. But I have noticed since MA has changed space by removing Planet to Planet teleports and making space itself lootable PvP not all that many people are going planet to planet anymore. Next Island and Rocktropia are turning into ghost planets. Has this changed your plans in any way or are you working with MA to hopefully work out a solution to this?


DigiDime Founder
Hi Oztwo,

Regarding the planet to planet situation. There are transportation means one can use to get from A to B.
We have pilots that offer their services at a small fee to get across space without harm and then there are motherships that offer the services to warp you through space with the guarantee that you wont get looted.

I would recommend contacting a pilot or mothership owner. There are many on this forum and if you don't come right, I will come fetch you personally and take you where you need to go. ^_^

Hope this information helps you and best of luck.


Kick Ass Elf
Yup. While I realise (or am at least discovering) that some planets are less populated than others I don't think this has anything to do with interplanetary teleports. Its actually pretty easy to gat places with people like the crew of the normandie doing regular runs everynight. I think they aren't doing NI more than once a week though. I was lucky to just happen to want to travel on friday night so didn't have to wait very long for a flight from RT to NI. Liking NI though. Its pretty!



Kick Ass Elf
Also I think space will evolve and already is! The trip on the normandie only took a few mins and cost 20ped. Thats fine in my book. I think the alternative is 3 hours behind the wheel of a Sleip to get from NI to Calypso. I suspect in time though there will be more to do in space along the way. Some sorta space mining or asteroids to land on/mine or kill space creatures. Maybe we will need space suits/oxygen? I'm hoping there will be lower level space mobs anyhow or NPC pirate ships perhapse.


Kick Ass Elf
i hope there will be alot bigger space mobs aswell.
if u got a ms, todays mobs are to smal.. even the biggest ones.

Don't those guns fire peds as ammo? and you want BIGGER mobs? o_O! (nah just kidding - I can understand)


New Member
In case Mothership captain don't put you out of his/hers vessel and loots you, as happened some collegues of mine some days ago, is fine to pay 20 PED to travel. Got some stuff stuck in another planets, without any possibility of get there by now without loosing my real money on QUAD decay or being looted. Loocking to sell all my Calypso stuff and relocate myself in another more newcomer's friendly planet and people or even selling my skills as well and taking back some of my money, abandoning that game.


Active Member
Also I think space will evolve and already is! The trip on the normandie only took a few mins and cost 20ped. Thats fine in my book. I think the alternative is 3 hours behind the wheel of a Sleip to get from NI to Calypso. I suspect in time though there will be more to do in space along the way. Some sorta space mining or asteroids to land on/mine or kill space creatures. Maybe we will need space suits/oxygen? I'm hoping there will be lower level space mobs anyhow or NPC pirate ships perhapse.

That was a good flight. We had a problem with pirates the other day and took us around 40 mins to even get to warp! :) What is kind of funny is that we did get home faster then it would take on in a quad. :)

My trip today from Rocktropia to Next Island (yes I kind of stuck gong there a lot :bandit:)

have to thank MA for space, Love it if you plan it right.

I wanted to go to a planet and in waiting I:

1. waiting a long while
2. Went shopping
3. stopped at Taco Bell to get some food
4. Entered this message

and I'm not even close yet..thanks! you saved me so much peds!!!!

5. Made a pot of coffee

edit 2:
6. Drinking my first cup of coffee

edit 3:
7. Reading some great debates over on PCF.

But the down side was that they almost got us. With the Normandie having the highest SI they got us down to around 40%. Yes, of course this is all fun..but there are a lot of players who will never leave a given planet due to space now. I just hope something can be worked out or even some sort of fee can be setup for players who do want to move from one home world to the next. As well how space is setup, sure a lot of people will be coming to visit Cryene but very few will stay since they have all inventory back home with no way to really get it moved without the chance of it all being lost since MA stand right now is that if you want to go to space, just do not take any lootables to space - end of case.


Kick Ass Elf
yeh well this is fine - avoid the stacks as you say.

Ultimately though people will be forced to bring them... ie we will get more demand for off world goods (priced at a premium) and there will be more cross planet resource BP's.

I'm interested/surprised that pirates already attacked the Normandie! Thats pretty cool! Especially that they actually managed to make a good dent! I wonder if they did it just for fun? or the challenge to see if they could? or if they actually hoped to loot something.... makes me wonder how the looting works really. In terms of team split or what not... I'm guessing something like 20 pilots blow up a mo ship then each has to try and individually loot a corpse? Its pot luck if they get "Mr Loaded"... and this doesn't sound like a very fair system on the pirates me thinks...

Maybe it should work that if you are on a ship and it blows, your stackables are removed if the pirates "loot" the ship (rather than you) as this would allow team/damage split. That system would beg the question of what happens if everyone "abandons ship" during the last 10%? I guess it would be fairs fair really ie the pirates have to shoot your ship down too. I wonder if maybe MA will implement escape pods to give people a "fighting" chance...?

That does sound like a fairly fun idea.

Did the pirates use those space warp disruptor things on you btw?


Kick Ass Elf
Out of interest.... if I AM on a ship and it blows midway.... what happens to my lifeless corpse? do I end up at a sort of way point space station in the middle of nowhere or something?

If so I guess i need to get someone to come by and pick me up? Is there much available to do at these way points? I have a few ideas for MA if not.

What would be lovely is if MA would engage with the community regarding these kind of discussions or tell us whats on the idea list.

At the moment though I fully support the lootable space situation and YES I HAVE been looted in space (due to a misunderstanding about safe zones) just in case anyone wanted to say I only feel this way because I've avoided it.

Personally I always found that sort of thing really exciting!*


* I mean the feeling that I "might" get looted. Actually GETTING looted sucks ;)

Tony Pendragon

New Member
Half the problem in space is the pirates.

It would be ok if it were only one at a time but when you get 3 - 5 pirates attacking at the same time its kind of hard to survive.
And when they do attack you your options are to either defend yourself and waste your peds as they dont carry loot or die and end up at the space station where they try it all over again once you get back to PvP.

Its kind of like having an entire planet in lootable PvP.

So yes I can see how having space as PvP affects the amount of travel to other planets.
Sure you can take a Mothership and pay 20-65ped depending on who you get and if there are any other passengers, but most people I know just want to be able to fly themselves so they dont have to rely on being able to get a safe ride.

But whats really frustraiting is when a pirate some how has a fair rating on their UL quad and when you kill them you get a rude rating thats very hard to remove.
I have been attacked by and killed about 5 pirates with a fair or no rating and now I get hunted by space knights because they think im a pirate too.


Active Member
Out of interest.... if I AM on a ship and it blows midway.... what happens to my lifeless corpse? do I end up at a sort of way point space station in the middle of nowhere or something?

If so I guess i need to get someone to come by and pick me up? Is there much available to do at these way points? I have a few ideas for MA if not.

It is unclear VU to VU but as of now I think when you are killed in space you return to the last space station you started from. So that 1 hour fight just may take you back 1 hour :) Yes, over an hour to just fly in space and DO NOTHING! -- done it two times so far. O and if you use a mothership without warp it takes twice as long.

So Cryene, please be VERY close to Calypso -- now just thinking of our new found user-base here:)


Active Member
Posted this a long while back but still haven't gotten an answer to if Cyrene is supporting MA's new rule of stealing from others in lootable PvP space?

Note: if this was a monthly fee game, then no it wouldn't be stealing but since we are dealing with real money that can be deposited and withdrawn then this is a form of stealing as found in the real world.


Active Member
MS Saratoga.
Total of 36 000 SI.

Sorry, but SI only 36 SI isn't going to get you far. You will need to put way lot more into the MS before you can deal with pirates blowing you up and looting all your passengers which I'm guessing you would hope to have a lot more than you have now.

But this is a question to the developers of Cyrene and not a debate over the need to make the money back for all that you put out to get the MS and build up the SI which is close to around 8 grand now? MA put this on you, put this on us to have others gang up and take it all away who mind you put maybe 20-45usd into their ships?



I was a skeptic of space with PvP lootable until I began shuttling playing between planets. The idea of risk and strategy is embedded in EU and PvP space provides another layer. It gives MS and Privateer owners an opportunity for business and gives those who like a challenge something to look forward to. Without PvP, space would simply be 'point quad in that direction and press button'. With PvP, it makes an intrepid journey out of something that could have been a bare lifeless system.

Initial release of Cyrene will be interesting. Im predicting a Star Wars type battle scene to ensue as all the current players leave to visit or establish themselves on Cyrene, while the space rogues take advantage of the heavily trafficked skies in search of prey. All in the name of fun.
Honestly, I feel like I'm reading something from the day space came out....

Some basics about space for those who have missed them.

1) When you die in space, you revive at the space station revive terminal on the server where you died. You do not go back to the previous station unless you're still on the same server. Every station has a revive terminal and every server has exactly one space station. If you are on the guest list of a mothership or privateer, you can also revive there under certain circumstances (and if it's on the same server as you).

2) 36,000 SI is not a small amount. It would cost pirates hundreds of peds of ammo to shoot through, especially if there is a good repair crew on board.

3) In a quad, no destination is more than 40 minutes away from any other. You can save time by "station hopping" once you cross over server borders. Additional delays may result from pirate activity, of course.

4) Don't take lootable items in a quad.

5) New planets must focus on recruiting brand new players, not players from other planets.

6) The majority of your inventory is not lootable, only items that normally sit in the "materials" and "mined resources" sections. If you need to move these in space, take an upgraded mothership or privateer and make sure ahead of time that you have a way for the pilot to notify you when you're safely at your destination in case you log out or disconnect.

7) If you kill ships with a positive karma, your ship will get a negative karma. The triangle colors are frequently bugged and should not be trusted.

Having smaller mobs will only make it harder to hunt in space (even more overkill)... we'd need smaller guns to hunt smaller mobs.


Active Member
i can see u dont have a MS.. nothing is right in that post :) but SI will go up more.. :)
and u can log off on a MS with ur loot if u want to be safe.. :) maybe the pirates take it down a few times. but not for free :) and alot of SI isnt the answare to not get blowed up in space.. good repaire crew is.. :)

Had a MS once, we put in 5 grand to have it shot down the first 15 mins of flight by a Sleipnir...

I'm not putting your ship down here in anyway. yes, 36 SI is a big number and it would cost pirates a lot to take down, but it still can be taken down and due to that a lot of people do not want to go to space due to this and because of this most planets other than Caly will be getting way lot less business now.

And sorry, the issue isn't pvp, but lootable space.. my mistype again.
Had a MS once, we put in 5 grand to have it shot down the first 15 mins of flight by a Sleipnir...

I find that hard to believe. What was the SI of your ship and how many repairers did you have on each station? 50k peds would upgrade the ship to a pretty significant level. Of course, sitting still in PVP with insufficient repairers and no gunners, any MS could be taken down by a sleipnir with enough time and ammo.

I'm not putting your ship down here in anyway. yes, 36 SI is a big number and it would cost pirates a lot to take down, but it still can be taken down and due to that a lot of people do not want to go to space due to this and because of this most planets other than Caly will be getting way lot less business now.

I don't agree. Where there are not enough people on planets, it's because of a failure of marketing or design (e.g. the economy doesn't work), not the fault of space. Planets aren't supposed to grow by leeching off other planets' populations. They're supposed to grow by marketing and getting new player registrations. New players don't care about space, they just want to go to the planet that sounds most interesting, and starting out they don't have significant amounts of stackables to transport between planets anyway. The only people who care about taking stackables are traders, crafters, and specialty professions like hair stylists and colorers, whose materials are not easily obtainable on every planet. 100% safe travel would promote more tourism, but that's not the same as planet growth.


Active Member
I find that hard to believe. What was the SI of your ship and how many repairers did you have on each station? 50k peds would upgrade the ship to a pretty significant level. Of course, sitting still in PVP with insufficient repairers and no gunners, any MS could be taken down by a sleipnir with enough time and ammo.

This was when we first got the MS and didn't upgrade it yet. Just bought it out of the box for a good 5k USD to find it was worthless unless we put way more into it -- and sorry to say, our soc went down hill fast after that. Just that of course putting so much into getting the ship, we thought it would last a bit longer in space. But again, that's another issue when well, isn't really all that much of an issue. The issue is lootable space killing the game? And more, how long can the game be running with lootable space before it's shut down due to it allowing real life stealing?
ok with that 5 gran (peds) u get like 7-10k total SI.
ofcorse it can be taken down.. normandie with 80k+ si got taken down. but was it worth it for them? i bet not..
no non-afk hunter with loot will stay online untill they took it down. and they will lose tons of peds.. maybe it did cost them like 2k ped to take it down. i dont realy know how much repaire crew they had at that time.. but with more ppl i think whey culd servive :)

When the Normandie was taken down, the SI was just over 50k (approx). After that incident, John added more SI to bring it up to over 80k. So, the current "take down cost" is around 3k peds ammo at its current SI, assuming the repair crew is similar to what it was the other day. The repair crew was not particularly numerous at the time; at the end there were only 2 repairers on my section, IIRC, though it was not the section that failed. The fire was mostly concentrated on one section. A heavy repair crew is the only thing that will keep a MS alive under a sustained attack, as everyone can keep on clicking repair for hours and no attacker is going to sit out there for hours wasting ammo. This is also why it's important to have the RK-20 maxed -- one RK-20 does 3x the repair as one RK-5, and population on the ship is limited. A high SI gives several advantages; it gives crew time to react to an attack and run to sections that are undermanned or maneuver, launch quads, get to safe zone, log out, call for backup, etc.

Before auctioning the Motherships, Mindark really should have informed people how much it would cost to upgrade the SI. I think the bids would have been much lower had they known they were not getting a battle-ready ship out of the box. It'll be interesting to see if there's a max SI for these ships.
When the Normandie was taken down, the SI was just over 50k (approx). After that incident, John added more SI to bring it up to over 80k. So, the current "take down cost" is around 3k peds ammo at its current SI, assuming the repair crew is similar to what it was the other day. The repair crew was not particularly numerous at the time; at the end there were only 2 repairers on my section, IIRC, though it was not the section that failed. The fire was mostly concentrated on one section. A heavy repair crew is the only thing that will keep a MS alive under a sustained attack, as everyone can keep on clicking repair for hours and no attacker is going to sit out there for hours wasting ammo. This is also why it's important to have the RK-20 maxed -- one RK-20 does 3x the repair as one RK-5, and population on the ship is limited. A high SI gives several advantages; it gives crew time to react to an attack and run to sections that are undermanned or maneuver, launch quads, get to safe zone, log out, call for backup, etc. It'll be interesting to see if there's a max SI for these ships.

Oztwo, I agree, before selling the Motherships, Mindark should have informed us how much it would cost to upgrade the SI. I think the bids would have been much lower had people known they were not getting a battle-ready ship out of the box.