I've been waiting to see what you were going to do about it without taking part in it, but seeing nothing has changed so far, despite Lumar's actions, and a new patch today, I will speak it out loud, myself.
I am the second (former) owner of the C.L.R. 101, and the first one to ever purchase it and tier it.
As it is already known by those who followed Lumar's thread at http://www.planetcalypsoforum.com/forums/showthread.php?298132 , and as said in the mini-patch which came with loot 2.0, "The C.L.R. 101 has been changed to be limited, which was initially intended."
I am now the (proud?) owner of this... costly piece of weaponry.
To make things clear, the VU Notes relative to the introduction of the C.L.R. and the three other weapons states :
"- 4 new Level 7 weapon blueprints for Blueprints: Cyrene book, with more to come after the Mini Patch."
Source : http://cyreneforum.com/threads/cyrene-vu-notes-may-30th-2017.7620/
At no point has it been mentionned the resulting weapons would be limited, yet they have been turned to Limited after your own mistake of releasing them as Unlimited.
- You cannot compare with the Mayhem Scintillator series, since the statistics of the weapon were announced before release.
- You cannot compare with IMKII which has always been considered a mistake, since it is still in the game, unmodified* (next point).
- You cannot compare with the few weapons (and amplifiers) on Calypso have been altered in the past, since they only recieved the new statistics after the first repair. The un-repaired weapons eventually became Ancient. This includes but is not limited to AIMKII and Ancient MM, and another one worth mentionning (next point).
- You cannot even compare to the Ancient Cempball-Welch 1/P-3 http://www.entropedia.info/Info.aspx?chart=Weapon&name=Cempball-Welch_1/P-3_Ancient which was mistakenly released without a decay satistic (!), which means quite literally, it does not decay ! (more info here : http://www.planetcalypsoforum.com/f...ll-welch-1-p-3&p=313239&viewfull=1#post313239 )
It is still in the game and gained the ancient status as well. Even though its economy is closer to IMKII than any other weapon could dream of.
Compared to that, what had the C.L.R. 101 ?
A slightly better eco than the other options, and some more range than two of them. That's all. It's nothing more than a weapon between Xent/ARS and Adj MKII.
What are you going to do about it ? Are you really going to leave it like that simply because there's only two in-game so we're easily replaced I guess ?
Why could you not make the new ones L and leave those be ?
It isn't only about wasting 800 peds, I've wasted more than that on Flesh Rippers alone already !
It's about TRUST.
What can happen with my gear now, or anything I might purchase in the future ?
Can I even purchase anything without having the fear it might turn to L or be "adjusted" on-the-fly because you don't like it anymore ?
This is a REAL CASH ECONOMY, why am I not getting what I've PAID for ?
I hope this will not fall into deaf ears this time, and also hope you will be able to restore some of the trust you've destroyed with this recent "bugfix".
Inistae Sephoris.
I've been waiting to see what you were going to do about it without taking part in it, but seeing nothing has changed so far, despite Lumar's actions, and a new patch today, I will speak it out loud, myself.
I am the second (former) owner of the C.L.R. 101, and the first one to ever purchase it and tier it.

As it is already known by those who followed Lumar's thread at http://www.planetcalypsoforum.com/forums/showthread.php?298132 , and as said in the mini-patch which came with loot 2.0, "The C.L.R. 101 has been changed to be limited, which was initially intended."
I am now the (proud?) owner of this... costly piece of weaponry.

To make things clear, the VU Notes relative to the introduction of the C.L.R. and the three other weapons states :
"- 4 new Level 7 weapon blueprints for Blueprints: Cyrene book, with more to come after the Mini Patch."
Source : http://cyreneforum.com/threads/cyrene-vu-notes-may-30th-2017.7620/
At no point has it been mentionned the resulting weapons would be limited, yet they have been turned to Limited after your own mistake of releasing them as Unlimited.
- You cannot compare with the Mayhem Scintillator series, since the statistics of the weapon were announced before release.
- You cannot compare with IMKII which has always been considered a mistake, since it is still in the game, unmodified* (next point).
- You cannot compare with the few weapons (and amplifiers) on Calypso have been altered in the past, since they only recieved the new statistics after the first repair. The un-repaired weapons eventually became Ancient. This includes but is not limited to AIMKII and Ancient MM, and another one worth mentionning (next point).
- You cannot even compare to the Ancient Cempball-Welch 1/P-3 http://www.entropedia.info/Info.aspx?chart=Weapon&name=Cempball-Welch_1/P-3_Ancient which was mistakenly released without a decay satistic (!), which means quite literally, it does not decay ! (more info here : http://www.planetcalypsoforum.com/f...ll-welch-1-p-3&p=313239&viewfull=1#post313239 )
It is still in the game and gained the ancient status as well. Even though its economy is closer to IMKII than any other weapon could dream of.
Compared to that, what had the C.L.R. 101 ?

A slightly better eco than the other options, and some more range than two of them. That's all. It's nothing more than a weapon between Xent/ARS and Adj MKII.
What are you going to do about it ? Are you really going to leave it like that simply because there's only two in-game so we're easily replaced I guess ?
Why could you not make the new ones L and leave those be ?
It isn't only about wasting 800 peds, I've wasted more than that on Flesh Rippers alone already !
It's about TRUST.
What can happen with my gear now, or anything I might purchase in the future ?
Can I even purchase anything without having the fear it might turn to L or be "adjusted" on-the-fly because you don't like it anymore ?
This is a REAL CASH ECONOMY, why am I not getting what I've PAID for ?
I hope this will not fall into deaf ears this time, and also hope you will be able to restore some of the trust you've destroyed with this recent "bugfix".
Inistae Sephoris.