There is a designated starting area for beginners and a major city located near by where the beginner quests will lead them too. You would be able to get there very quickly if needed but everyone coming from outside the Planet will start in the City of Janus. From Janus the veteran players can quickly head over to the major ARC base where the new players will end up.
For those of you who read the beginning of the MS9/Senator Calvin Neff covert ops role-playing storyline in the June issue of the EntropiaTimes magazine, I can refresh your memory a bit regarding ARC (Acacia Rebirth Corps), and for those who have not read it yet, I can direct you to page 10 in the magazine issue where it begins, but the ARC content starts on page 17.
As a quick side-note ... the MS9/Senator covert ops role-playing storyline reveals a lot about Cyrene - and specifically, its characters, creatures, and environment, so you might want to engage in some reading to bring yourself up-to-date. You can find links to each episode in the Media section of this forum (Covert Operations Storytelling), and the episodes thus far are numbered so that you know what order they go in. I've also given a brief summary of what each episode entails.
Back to ARC (Acacia Rebirth Corps)
In the storyline, you learn the following from Zorra Winters:
“We are known as ARC, the Acacia Rebirth Corps. The Acacia have the symbolism of purity, the endurance of the soul, and also symbolizes resurrection and immortality. The ARC started as Turrelion reclones, and individuals who were scheduled to be destroyed by the Sons of Remus. We now need help to be reintroduced back into Cyrene.”
"The DNA the Turrelions have smuggled out has become a part of our growing army, but it is slow going. We need the Senator’s help to reintroduce our members back into Cyrene society in order to be more effective."
In short ... the smuggled DNA that has become a part of ARC are actually representative of "new players" on Cyrene, and in the covert ops role-playing storyline, Zorra Winters is asking me to solicit Senator Calvin Neff's help to reintroduce this DNA into Cyrene's society, because it would be risky for them to do it themselves.
Therefore ... the new players who become citizens of Cyrene and end up at the ARC Camp where veteran players can meet up with them to be of assistance, represent the smuggled DNA based on the storyline.
On another note ...
I know that my writing can get lengthy at times (ok, a lot of the time), but I'm a very detail-oriented writer, and working with Ed on the Cyrene official storyline, as well as the covert ops role-playing storyline that Entropians will have an opportunity to become a part of after launch, the content I'm given as story arcs by Ed is enormous, and I don't want you to miss a thing. I will work to make future episodes shorter (Ed can work with me on this), but ...
I would highly recommend taking the time to read the episodes that have been presented so far, because a lot is revealed about Cyrene that may even answer some of the questions that are being asked. As I've mentioned quite a few times before in posts, the official Cyrene storyline is enormous, and goes on forever, which is not an exaggeration by any means, and I know it will be revealed in many ways based on what we have scheduled in the pipeline.
The fact that I get to weave some of the official storyline into the covert ops role-playing storyline to reveal more and more of Cyrene is of benefit to the community, and I'm going to give you as much as Ed will allow me with each episode. There may not always be as many exclusive photos (so you'll get more text), but Ed and Kris are awesome at giving me new stuff to share with each offering.
I hope this helps to tie in the relationship and storyline between
new players and ARC, but specifically the ARC Camp where new players will end up. Cyrene storyline will come in many forms, so my suggestion would be to embrace each of them so that you become more acquainted with what to expect after launch.