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The armor fever made crafting of many items (Enkidd A-series guns, Zekkonian wings/antennae etc.) prohibitively expensive. If the components don't drop, crafting of these items becomes outright impossible. Are there any plans to:
separate crafting components from mission items, or
Merge All Stacks doesn't work if several identical UL blueprints are present in the place (inventory/container/storage in general) where you attempt to merge stacks.
The system tries to merge those but cannot, resulting in a red Could not execute message.
This might be fixed soon given...
Related issue: in mid-December, someone repeatedly vandalized Entropiawiki, trying to remove or change information on one of the weak paneleon spawns (click 'History').
Here's a message for you guys: Entropiawiki changes are being monitored and no matter what proxies/VPNs you hide behind, this...
As for the situation in question, I've reviewed the available information and believe live support did the right thing.
If you don't like what's happening, you can move, and you can ask others to stop following you; you cannot demand that others move away.
I haven't found it either.
From several sources (including trusted) I've heard it might occur in the southern third of the merfolken island but obviously there ain't a lot of it.
It isn't always easy to judge what is "low".
One thing that almost certainly is too scarce is jellyworm hide. Today, I spent 102.xx PED to kill ~250 jellies (mostly of the bile kind, some mutant) and ended up with 4 (four) hides.
Now, how low is that?
Texturing one field at 100% takes 323...