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Recent content by jellyfish

  1. J

    zeladoth rho?

    cool, thank you very much ^^
  2. J

    zeladoth rho?

    never seen that one Before... jenna just got a hof on them, anyone got any info on them? hp? damage? :)
  3. J

    ozpyn force armors?

    Thanks for the replies guys, much appreciated... though i haven't gotten any wiser when it comes to this armor ^^ But oh well. Got tons of projects and profit to reap so i guess this can wait a bit ^^
  4. J

    ozpyn force armors?

    Can't find any info on this armor. Where does ot come from and what stats does it have? Thanks in advance.
  5. J

    will sothorite and nosi become more common soon?

    I understand that english is not your native language, and that your reading comprehension is not top notch, but seriously, if you dont understand what people say then dont reply. I wanted to confirm that i understoof what kris said, and you start trolling. Seriously, if you dont understand...
  6. J

    will sothorite and nosi become more common soon?

    So, is sothorite more common now? And no more trolling thanatos, if you got nothing usefull to say dont say anything.
  7. J

    will sothorite and nosi become more common soon?

    really smart indeed not reading what i am typing :p
  8. J

    will sothorite and nosi become more common soon?

    when is the mini patch? i just spent more than half a level 5 amp and all i got was lyst lyst lyst... i checked 4 sothorite spots, nothing.
  9. J

    will sothorite and nosi become more common soon?

    Yeah ^^ I think i got around 1k wire harnesses though, but when i need them i guess they wont last long. Assistant engineer wyant was supposed to sell wire harness bps but he never has... but anyway, back on topic :D can we get more soth pretty please? :D
  10. J

    will sothorite and nosi become more common soon?

    A "somewhat rare" resource according to the description. Other "somewhat rare"s drop like candy. I dont need wire harnesses, i only need sothorite ^^
  11. J

    will sothorite and nosi become more common soon?

    Just want to make sure i didnt get what kris said wrong :D Will sothorite and nosifer become more common next mini patch? Its great that the series blueprints are now working, but a major pain to find the ingredients... im thinking about sothorite and nosifer. At this drop rate on soth i will...
  12. J

    Where i can get Tail tip ?

    South of base camp zeta there are paneleon young to old on the beach. The tail tips drop in waves, so when they drop you can usually get a couple, then it's impossible to get any for some time. Unless that has been changed recently though.
  13. J

    Happy VU - Discussion Thread 14.2

    i got a feeling this will be an awesome profit VU ^^ so many things in that VU list that i can't wait to try :D looks really awesome