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Recent content by John Galt

  1. J

    Selling Ecotron v.15e Prototype

    WTS Ecotron v.15e Prototype for +2450 or closest serious offer if I am tired of waiting. This is how to get the weapon: Start by spending 2 months doing dailies in Cyrene to gather 200 x A.R.C. Badges This gets you to Rank 1 with A.R.C. faction and access to Rank 1 shop where the weapon is...
  2. J

    Botting scripting and 3rd party program rules

    I see no difference between me repeatedly hitting "TAB" (next target) every 20 seconds, while loot pill is on and auto-tool is on, or having "something" doing it for me. Use of such "something" won't give me any advabtage that I could consider "cheating". MA may deem it so, though.
  3. J

    Botting scripting and 3rd party program rules

    See the AMA question regarding this issue. http://www.planetcalypsoforum.com/forums/showthread.php?308798-Messi91-Q2-Botting
  4. J

    Botting scripting and 3rd party program rules

    To clarify, my intention is to level the playing field. If basic scripting is allowed and others do it, I see no reason not to. If it is against the rules, are the rules enforced? Rules that are not enforced are void rules, and can be disregarded?
  5. J

    Botting scripting and 3rd party program rules

    Hi Can anyone quote ToS or CoC where it mentions the use of 3rd party programs (like most modern keyboard macro tools) or scripts to automate simple stuff? I am not talking about automated complex gameplay. We have all seen people botting, reported (or not) and nothing really happens. The game...
  6. J

    IDEA: Weekly pseudo-chain mining mission suggestion

    I like the idea of long cooldown missions. I play daily but I reckon not everyone does. I "live" in Cyrene but I reckon the majority of the EU players don't set foot here but once in their lifetime to get the FAP. Long cooldown missions are a nice little way to reward casual residents and...
  7. J

    Buying Cyrene Blueprint

    I have: Spear MK. IV (L) Blueprint (L) with 10 clicks (I understand you dont care aboue the clicks). I pay 50 pec per click when I buy the Chon blueprint. I can sell you this at the same price, or I can trade for a 10 click Chon blueprint, or other Cyrene weapon blueprint level 1 or 2.
  8. J

    Ecotron in the Faction 1....

    Hi all. I cam here to confirm that ARC Voucher 1 drops on 5P1D3R as of 36/01/2018. I used a weapon setup with about 30 DPS, >65% efficiency and over 2.95 dpp. Doing a mix of Gen 1 and Gen 2 I got it when I was at 95 kill points so probably about 60 kills, and about 450 PED cycled. Once you have...
  9. J

    Selling Galt's Cyrene Shop

    I will be updating this list at least once a week. The "main" shop is the webpage on the signature. Enjoy.
  10. J

    Cyrene Special Mission Locations of Armor Parts

    Head Location: [Planet Cyrene, 137045, 74571, 100, Waypoint]
  11. J

    Crafting New Cyrene BPs

    Is anyone heavily clicking the Cyrene Cubes at this point at all? Or everyone is hoarding mats on a Wait&See stance like me?
  12. J

    Crafting New Cyrene BPs

    Trousers and other tailor goods give no combat stats needing balancing. Either Kris meant economic balancing, or it is def not a tailoring item.
  13. J

    Crafting New Cyrene BPs

    So the best policy is to NOT click these component BPs (unless you want a really expensive L shirt) and hoard the materials to click them later once implemented?
  14. J

    Crafting New Cyrene BPs

    Hi all I have many questions about the unlisted BPs and was hopping someone with more exprience in the game could help. a) The fact that those 4 BPs are not listed means no one Discovered them (poped a BP from running other BPs) or that the C-Team did not add them to begin with and that is just...
  15. J

    Bug Report No nanocubes in TT

    This is what is wrong with EP, from many people's point of view. It is not sourced with hunting, mining or crafting. It is pure gamble since there is no MU or player trading (or any activity for that matter) involved. The VAAAST majority of EP click results goes to TT to buy more nanocubes. I...