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Lykke TheNun
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  • Lykke, Thank you so much for putting a stop in the recent activities on the forum.
    You have my utmost thanks.
    Take care sweetheart and regards to Peter from my side..
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    Reactions: Lykke TheNun
    Lykke TheNun
    Lykke TheNun
    OH SYER ^-^* you have been missed :) I hope things are going well and that you are still enjoying the game? Take care back =)
    Congrats on the birth of Luna :)
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    Lykke TheNun
    Lykke TheNun
    Thank you Dave :) I hope I will soon be back here again. At this moment, the little one takes a lot of our time =) Hope you're having fun in the Universe ^^
    Ty Lykke for your answer.
    AND: EU announced that the next update will be for partner planets. (on 21 Aug.)
    Cyrene will also update content?
    Which will be new content on Cyrene? Some goodies?
    The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us. ^__^
    Lykke TheNun
    Lykke TheNun
    And the surest sign that intelligent life exists on Earth is that they would keep quiet if they were contacted =)
    Nice picture. This one looks a lot more like you then the other out there for some reason. Hard to explain I guess, but the one on EP made me think you looked a bit different then you look IRL.
    Lykke TheNun
    Lykke TheNun
    Some pictures are taken years back - 6-7 y - Before stress and life happened lol depends on mood and camera angle i asume, nevertheless they are all me, not even heavily photoshoped :D but I like this one too =)
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