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Recent content by Magnus Mag Ogg

  1. M

    [30-50%] Returns this year!

    last month sucked pretty hard yes... it also depends how you calculate it... if you get like 80% return, then make all shrapnel to ammo, get 80% again, make shrapnel to ammo etc etc you end at low % return... good idea is to get ammo enough for one amp or one gun..then you see how much you got...
  2. M

    Wish List Move the ARC Badges to Misc or make them un-TTable

    if you can't find something it is always good idea to log into entropiauniverse.com->my account->my items then pres ctrl+F (this is to search a webpage in your browser), type in what you search and look where you put it:D
  3. M

    Bug Report special ops still needs 8 btc

    from vu note: they still need 8 btc
  4. M

    Harassment and abuse in Entropia Universe

    about the trapping: i personally don't have that much problems with ppl trapping mobs. i mean it is not that they get loot for free. they still spend the ped to kill. i know that this opinion is unpopular and i also understand ppl who bought high lvl equipment being pissed when someone shoots...
  5. M

    Show off your avatar!

    for my eye, i usually look like this: (plz notice the huge bulge in my pants) for your eyes, i guess i look somthing like this: (notice the huge bulge above my pants) as i see the second pic i should really wear that turrelion outwer set i looted for all other ppls welfare..:D
  6. M

    Turrelion Settler clothing

    i don't know what you expect... when new items are released they always fall in price...the first always sell for huge bonuses, because ppl want the new stuff now. that's not a problem of loot frequency but of ppl not having patience. or ppl expecting huge markups where there never was an...
  7. M

    Selling cyrene tailoring bps high qrs

    hi, i have some cyrene tailoring blueprint i don't really need, if you give me right price they could be yours...the ones you see here are those with the highest qrs, if you prefer lower qr ones it is very possible that i have..just ask: Imperium Common Pants Blueprint 86 QR Imperium Common...
  8. M

    Selling metal/matter residue buyer needed

    hello, when i visit cyrene i usually end up with residue (from 250+ ped) which i find really hard to sell on street or auction (sometimes don't sell even under auc mu)... so i need someone to take my residue...i hate to tt it because it is cheaper than warping it back to caly... so if you are...
  9. M

    FIXED Tailoring (L) bps got UL

    hi kris, i am not talking about the items ( i didn't even notice that change lol)... i mean the blueprints... yes, the clothing got UNLIMITED..but the blueprints also got UNLIMITED so for example: paradigm shoes series 2 (L) blueprint (L), 84 clicks --> paradigm shoes series 2 blueprint...
  10. M

    FIXED Tailoring (L) bps got UL

    hi, i had lots of cyrene tailoring blueprints (L) (paradigm, imperium etc). Now they don't show the (L) anymore, the number of clicks became qr and the markup became tt+ instead of %. this is for all limited cyrene tailoring bps i have...
  11. M

    Crafting Why no "shared" bp drops?

    i will try to make it clear...from my experience you get the same amount of planet sepcific bps on cyrene, rt and ark..but on the other planets you ADDITIONALY get generic bps... so you get around 1/3 (estimation) the amount of bps per run on cyrene compared to the other planets because there...
  12. M

    Crafting Why no "shared" bp drops?

    i think it is the other way...bigger loots trigger (L)bp(L) drops...but that's my personal opinion only... speaking about bigger loots (globs hofs)...cyrene gave me nice big loots and good returns in crafting overall compared to other planets...so i personally don't believe the missing "good"...
  13. M

    Crafting Why no "shared" bp drops?

    i am 100% sure i looted all of those i mentioned on ark and rt... i remember looting them on the other planets and in addition i almost don't craft on caly anymore..so i am more than sure edit: i am wrong with athena...this is rt print edit2: i was right with athena..only athena III is rt
  14. M

    Crafting Why no "shared" bp drops?

    there are also some good bps in the generic junk pool....like mark.2e bps, shear pro600 bps, athena amp bps...that are just the ones i remember now.. thanks for reply kris...i am sure i didn't loot blp ammo in my hunting