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[30-50%] Returns this year!


Well-Known Member
Did anyone noticed the bad returns this month or its just me having bad luck?
My returns from crafting hunting and mining are constantly about 30-50%.
This makes EU pretty expensive to keep playing.


Fate Thanatos Themis
sorry to hear that, but when it happens to me i try to fly low for a while (smaller mobs then normal, smaller amps or no amps at all, etc).
for me its quite good this year, i was able to get back some losses from before, ofc not all, but well, its still a something.
i hope it will turn out to be better for u soon!


Well-Known Member
I don't know about luck but i'm 100% positive that it's either bad maths or a different definition of ROI that what is generally used. Getting as low as 70% returns during a week is possible and very annoying. 30-50% over a period of a month in all three professions means you are doing something very unwise ingame or your maths is incorrect.

So in crafting you could be crafting blueprints you haven't maxed
In mining you could be hugely overlapping drops
In hunting you could be using too much armor/fap or a NON-sib weapon.

Maybe you should start keeping exact stats in a blog on this forum? Worst case scenario MA feels sorry for you and they give you a nice hof :)


Active Member
Ive noticed that hunting / crafting been a bit bad lately. Mining not too terrible. It's that time of the year again, just ride out the slump. When you see your returns in the dumper, slow down for a few days let it swing back again then go at it.


Magnus Mag Ogg

New Member
last month sucked pretty hard yes...

it also depends how you calculate it...
if you get like 80% return, then make all shrapnel to ammo, get 80% again, make shrapnel to ammo etc etc you end at low % return...
good idea is to get ammo enough for one amp or one gun..then you see how much you got back when it broke...


Fate Thanatos Themis
my guess is that u do too short runs. i know its hard to do longer when ur short of ped, but its a must. imo we need to kill 100-200 mobs min to have more balanced returns. if u like to put on the roll 50ped, u need to pick the right mob and tools for it. id advice to go for scout bots collector xt 50HP, using a gun with dmg 6-12 or close. this way u will kill alot of them what increases ur chance to get a loot cumulation and the rare loot (Basic Targeting Chip). On those little bots every of my disciples didnt lose or even profited a bit. this is the best way to bounce back to something more fun when the funds get better.



Well-Known Member
OK 1st run 50 ped of Synthetic Mind Essence+ 9 ped shrapnel cycled back.
Loot: Skull birds L10 Mutated dire plants L9.
Weapon: Lacerating Attack Nanochip IV ( http://www.entropedia.info/Info.aspx?chart=Weapon&id=1634 ) Tier I with eco enhancers.
View attachment 2376

Decay on armor and chip are not included :)

Going to repeat the same with non amped xent x3 with tier I eco enhancers.

Excellent, this should be good reading material. On those mobs you need some luck with a good loot, especially with a 50 ped hunting budget.

First results are bad, but at least above your average for the month so it is increasing (34,66/59=58%)