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Recent content by Mandy

  1. M

    Imperium Noble/Common Clothes

    That may be true with the M version, but the F Noble does have white and the shoes actually go rather well as shown in the pics. Even so, a splash of color probably would make them look even better. However, what really doesn't match is the F Noble shirt and pants. The yellow on the pants is...
  2. M

    Requision Officer Errors +

    I had similar error messages until I dropped the missions that the messages referred to. They are all daily missions I believe, so there is nothing to lose by removing and reactivating them. Since doing this I've been error message free. :)
  3. M

    Platings in the Hub is an exploit

    I've not been to the hub yet, but if there is anywhere you can place a big sign with this information then I would suggest doing it ASAP to avoid banning anyone who genuinely wasn't aware of this. Saying there is a bug and that using it to gain an advantage will result in a ban is not a bad...
  4. M

    Cyrene Missions

    Nice, there are more missions than I thought. :)