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Imperium Noble/Common Clothes

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
Hi Menace

The Cyrene Staff is very interested in constructive feed-back from the community - both positive as negative - and we also said that many times. However, the threads and posts still need to follow our few forum rules.

Looks like things in this thread got 'sorted' out for now though :)

Thank you

With all due respect, your message could be meant for a few others as well who have taken it upon themselves to be initiators of some threads going off course. There has to be an objectivity about the behavior in this forum that has occurred over the past couple of days and quite frankly, I don't think there has been by some, which is a shame, because it's not the Cyrene that I know.

For a while now, I have felt that there have been a few who have been rather possessive about Cyrene and basically why I've stayed away, even though they don't bother me so much, but I think some of the behaviors are quite unfair to some of the newcomers to the planet.

With regard to Menace and Thoth, I know they have the means to be very beneficial to Cyrene, even though Menace at times may be a little rough around the edges. They have great ideas and I think ways of making certain things fun, so I would be more open to what they'd like to bring to Cyrene.

And I know that Menace is trying to be more constructive in how he presents himself, but I've known him for years and I totally understand him. He really does want to do good stuff on Cyrene (they both do), and the planet belongs to everyone, not only a few because you've been here longer. There can't be favoritism on the planet, it has to be fair.

I'll be coming back soon to check things out because I've been away for a couple of updates, so I hope it all works out ok.

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
MindStar - thank you for your feed back :)

As far as I see it, I din't hit on Menace or any other person but wrote to everyone - because there are always two sides of the story. I did however delete the private pm quotes from one post - because that's against the forum rules to publish these things.

I did also say that feed back is welcome - as a reply to Menace's post - because he wish to contribute and that is always welcome both from him and any other member of the community.

And I agree, that sometimes people could welcome new people better and also, that there are room for everybody on Planet Cyrene. And last but not least, always room for improvement for all of us ;)


Fate Thanatos Themis
U rly care about Menaces mood or that he havent been understood, or that he is rough in edges, but he had good intentions. Ur probably right.
But how about other ppl u judge so swiftly?
Did u bother their mood? Can they have one, or will just become hostile to newcommers in ur eyes then. Maybe they are also a bit rough on edges recently? Is it ok for u too?
Those two guys, or jelly, doesnt make all newcommers we have here, im not sure if u noticed that.
Its second time any mod got to react here within a year. Is this community that hostile then?
Make up ur mind plz, cuz u seems to me a bit buyest, which is kinda new side of u to me.


MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
U rly care about Menaces mood or that he havent been understood, or that he is rough in edges, but he had good intentions. Ur probably right.
But how about other ppl u judge so swiftly?
Did u bother their mood? Can they have one, or will just become hostile to newcommers in ur eyes then. Maybe they are also a bit rough on edges recently? Is it ok for u too?
Those two guys, or jelly, doesnt make all newcommers we have here, im not sure if u noticed that.
Its second time any mod got to react here within a year. Is this community that hostile then?
Make up ur mind plz, cuz u seems to me a bit buyest, which is kinda new side of u to me.


I appreciate your thoughts, but I assure you that I always employ objectiveness when I respond to an incident or a post, and I think that's one thing my friends and family would be quick to tell you about me. I don't play favorites. I am a mental health professional (behavioral analyst) IRL and being objective is absolutely required when counseling families, or teaching psychology at the college that I did for 8 years, otherwise there's a disservice being done.

I won't tell people what I think they want to hear, and my opinion is always based on observation and experience. I happened to know Menace for many years and am aware of his on and off behavior - I've had my own run-ins with him, but over all, he's really a great guy and a very helpful one - so is Thoth.

What I saw here after reading all the posts was a first attack on Menace, most likely because the way he posted what he wanted to say wasn't understood in the way he meant it, or was taken the wrong way. I saw that he was actually directing his questions to the developer in order to get some answers. I would do this for anyone that I know well, like I know him well, unless they were being a total ass, in which case I would then call them out about it.

I taught effective communication as well, and the only way to be effective in how you communicate with someone is to be open, observant, and objective, because as Lykke says, there are always two (sometimes more) sides to a story. You can't get at the truth if you're not objective or biased and defend someone just to defend. If it was you, I would have done the same thing for you.

What I will share though, is that several times I have been on Cyrene, I have heard people talking like it's their planet, and interacting with others wasn't so nice, so I can definitely understand where Menace and Thoth are coming from. I actually think they will be good for Cyrene, and have some great ideas for newbies and others, so perhaps we should all be a bit more mindful of how we behave when others come to Cyrene.

As Ubers, I think they would be good for feedback as well when it comes to development, so it will be interesting to see what they run into with any of the new stuff. Agis has been great about feedback and everything he gets involved with, as well as others, and I think Cyrene has a great community that way. No one person runs any of the professions, and if they give the impression that they are, then there's going to be trouble.

Let's just all be helpful with each other.

Thanks Lykke for taking the time, it's appreciated.


Fate Thanatos Themis

u talk nice and fluent, but im sure u still u didnt take a look at the mood of older players here when they see newcommers rumbling around "this is not working, there is a bug, this is all rubbish, we need this, we need that" etc... i think its important to be polite and listening when u enter places different from those u got used to, to fit in, not to break in. (im not talking about u, just general, like if u were traveling, lets say to China?)
One of many things i learnt past a year here is patience about how its getting developed. Cyrene made enourmous progress, but there are areas that need alot of work still. We got forum where we share data that help developers. If there is something u consider a bug, report it in the Bug subforum, but use search before, also check VU notes cuz maybe its mentioned there as not working yet. If some1 dont do that, yes it affects our mood cuz its avialable. Ppl provided here many useful data, maps, lists of missions, locations, tutorials. Why do u think ppl share this data? Not for their own, cuz they alrady know that things. Its for newcommers. And all made for free.
I think that statement "our planet" cames form being proud of taking part in helping at development of Cyrene. At least its how i feel and understand that.
I hope we gonna understand eachother better, if not yet, then soon :)



New Member
The Shoes definately do NOT match the rest of the outfit because there is no white in the Noble outfit.

That may be true with the M version, but the F Noble does have white and the shoes actually go rather well as shown in the pics. Even so, a splash of color probably would make them look even better.

However, what really doesn't match is the F Noble shirt and pants. The yellow on the pants is too pale and they have a horrid glare on the rear half. I really wish I had seen this before buying a set a short while ago as it ruins what would otherwise be a great set. :(

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Mandy,

That may be true with the M version, but the F Noble does have white and the shoes actually go rather well as shown in the pics. Even so, a splash of color probably would make them look even better.

However, what really doesn't match is the F Noble shirt and pants. The yellow on the pants is too pale and they have a horrid glare on the rear half. I really wish I had seen this before buying a set a short while ago as it ruins what would otherwise be a great set. :(

I'll look into this.
