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Recent content by Max EJ

  1. Max EJ

    Lootable PvP on Planet Cyrene

    Strange we don't get ammo for killing as we do pay for the toxic shot, seems only reasonble to add the ammo to the loot pool.
  2. Max EJ

    HuB - Room 1

    Does the weapon you get from the red tockens has 400 ped in tt?
  3. Max EJ

    I suspect someone for using an autoklicker in the pk hub, which lets them fight in god mode

    Good idea, will be nice to see the right click removed at the HuB and the ability to drag Health bars.
  4. Max EJ

    I suspect someone for using an autoklicker in the pk hub, which lets them fight in god mode

    I agree that the use of auto-cliclkers can ruin the HUB completely. I have no idea if someone actaully uses it in game, or used it before.
  5. Max EJ

    to plate or not to plate , that is the question !

    Yes I thought the same, why even use the armor if you will not be able to put plates on it. Seems fair with all the different damage types.
  6. Max EJ

    HuB - Room 1

    Yes I got this one too for 1000 white tockens, it addes a slow effect on who ever you shoot. I think it can be usuafall in team pvp, but not on 1vs1.
  7. Max EJ

    Cyrene forums are aowsome

    I have to say apart from the aowosome planet, your forums really rock. They look great, function really good and easy to use. Thanks alot! :thumbup:
  8. Max EJ

    What do you LIKE/LOVE about Cyrene?

    I have one thing I like about Cyrene so far: The HUB
  9. Max EJ

    Bug Report Armor Plates usable in the hub?

    Seems F armor can't use plates at all, and M armor you can put plates on all parts apart from the tigh guards.
  10. Max EJ

    Planet Cyrene PVP Token System

    wohhoo this sounds aowosme :bowdown: