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Lootable PvP on Planet Cyrene

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
With the last patch Planet Cyrene got it's first lootable PvP :)

The PvP area is located south west from The Brim Teleporter, but be aware; you can not see the red area on the map until you discovered it yourself.


Before entering the PvP area, remember to take an anti-toxic shot, otherwise you will die immediately. The shots can be bought in the trade terminal.


You should get a notification from the game, when you are close to enter the PvP area.

When you enter you will see the little red icons blinking in the right corner, under the radar. This indicated, that you are on PvP ground, and that you can be looted.

You can only be looted your stackable items though. So remember to leave all stackable items in storage before entering. If you are lucky and mine or loot something nice - stackable - hurry out and find a storage :mur:


As you can see on the radar, the area is blurred, which means you can't see if there's any people or mobs around you. So be extra careful =)

The PvP area is in a volcano and you can find mobs there like the Red Molten Golem.


Let me know if you have any questions about the area :)

Have fun :angry:


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Active Member
Yeah I didn't see any of those there. Only the flesh rippers. (Who made me a heart)

You should get a notification from the game, when you are close to enter the PvP area.

When you enter you will see the little red icons blinking in the right corner, under the radar. This indicated, that you are on PvP ground, and that you can be looted.

This didn't happen for me as I reported in the bug section.


New Member
Killed someone into the zone, didnt loot any shit except few Nova Fragments. Not Ammo like used to be on Akumul PVP (Lootable pvp)

So we dont get any ammo for killing ?


Active Member
Killed someone into the zone, didnt loot any shit except few Nova Fragments. Not Ammo like used to be on Akumul PVP (Lootable pvp)

So we dont get any ammo for killing ?
Maybe he didn't have any ammo with him? Was only exploring? :)


Active Member
I was killed and looted there too, and my PVP Killer (LOL) made the same comment about not looting ammo. And yes, I had some on me.

LOL and I am not complaining that it wasn't taken :) But I don't ever recall it being lootable.............has that changed recently?

Was a little ticked that I wasn't notified that in was PVP lootable, but thankfully I don't carry alot of stuff on me.


I sense a "Disturbance" in the Force
it's interesting to note that I was able to mine on the floor of the Lava lake a few days ago. I don't know if that's changed now as I haven't been back to check.


New Member
Today killed some more and again. Still no AMMO reward for killing.

The Ammo you receive for killing, is not the same ammo you are using for killing mob.
its "Gift" for killing, and does not affect your personal ammo.

Just Stackables is what u get from killing ... it seems
if your victim, dosent have any stackables, u get nothing :(

Max EJ

New Member
Strange we don't get ammo for killing as we do pay for the toxic shot, seems only reasonble to add the ammo to the loot pool.