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Recent content by penethol

  1. P

    A Special Thank You - Penelope Penny Lane

    Gratz penelope! Always helpful and always friendly! Much well deserved!
  2. P

    Planet Cyrene - Upcoming Changes - August 2021

    I love all the new stuff! The issue i see here is this.. development should be geared towards making things that are fun that make people "want" to come here and enjoy what we have to offer. If the time comes where the dev team is developing things to "FORCE" people to be here, then just wrap it...
  3. P

    Planet Cyrene 2020 Map Update

    You win top prize for longest sentence. wooo!
  4. P

    Cyrene 2020 and beyond

    Then the spawner is not working.
  5. P

    Cyrene 2020 and beyond

    Auction. Have an auction where the only currency is daily tokens. Post the items 3-6 months ahead of time, so folks have time to farm the tokens. We all know how crazy people get when there is a chance to get something UL. Some will look to buy the daily tokens, which is fine. This gets the...
  6. P

    divinity's little scam

    So you got a loan on the chip, did not pay the fee's? It expires and divinity sells it?
  7. P

    Official Cyrene Event Sharp & Dangerous - A Tideclaw Hunting Event

    I have to ask. Why does anyone even care? lol. I don't mean to be the one that poops on the parade, but these prizes suck from top to bottom. I have had several drop as normal drops on crabs. Give spleen oil, it has more use than all of that junk you plan to award. If you are going to have an...
  8. P

    Bad Example given by Locals once again

    Just read all this! wow! San! U are a troll! Farkinaters! Snitchez get stitches!!!
  9. P

    Greater Power Crystal

    I have this decades drop. The 100 ped one. for sale. screw cyrene.
  10. P

    Planet Cyrene - October 2016 Update

    San.... SAN. Wake up san. San, wake up. THE FAP SUCKS. IT SUCKS. San... THE FAP SUCKS. Why is it you must always argue everything. Do u think u are scoring brownie points with the cyrene officials? THE FAP SUCKS.. and to be frank, that's being kind about it.
  11. P

    Planet Cyrene - October 2016 Update

    So now my handgun sounds like a frickin cannon, And my damage enhancers are bigger than my gun. Thanks team for working on what wasn't broke , and breaking it , and not doing anything to known issues.
  12. P

    Upcoming March vu

    DAMN, WOW. Intresting chat!