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Planet Cyrene - October 2016 Update

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Well-Known Member
Well, i had time to made a real test for the fap :

Decay is 9.5 pec per use, then eco is 9.21, i was wrong :)

Yes maxed with L60, thx for all gratz :)
I see alot of people complaining that the new fapper has a high level requirement to use... But isnt that the whole point of the Epic Tanhok chain? Its not like noobs are doing that chain anyways While It is high i dont see it as extreme as most higher level playewrs are the only ones who would be able to do that whole chain in the first place? What Im more concerned about this past two weeks or so the queen hasnt dropped a single part? Was she turned off on purpose or is there something else going on? Sure it could be very bad luck just IDK multiple people trying multiple times again?

Oooh and BTW GZ Justine for finally getting discovery... I knew you were waiting a while for it :)
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Well-Known Member
First parts was looted on April, no parts until July where we found all. 2 weeks is not enough for find all parts, it is not easy, we needed 3 month for that ;) It's epic :p

Complain about the high level, yes normal. If you know a level 55 paramedic player (sorry level 60) ask him about the fap. No one want use it. Why ? because they use Mod EK 2600 with level 35 or better... Best eco, more easy to get.

I agree, Epic mission mean something hard to do. I am ok with that, but why they don't put an epic item then ? Level 55 fap, why not if the fap is epic, not useless. Why i would invest in paramedic skills up to level 55 (and i am sure you know how it cost in time and ped to reach this level) if i can get and use a better fap a lower level ?

This is my view. I just share my tought.

Ooooh and big thanks ;) that was long for get this discover :D But i got it ;)


Sandal San Tolk
I highly suspect MA has a hand in it demanding strings attached before permitting release of an item. If it was easy to get (save for a fair amount of simple work), had greatest eco in its class, was usable by every freshman AND unlimited, then nobody would bother with any of the other sources anymore. Arkadia and the rest could pack up and go home. It's about balance.

As for the point raised in the other thread that the parts for making it are so high tt value that it takes a rare hof for one to drop at all, it was the same discussion already with Tanhok Amber which has a lower threshold. In the meantime it is hard to sell if you find one and markup is a fraction of what it was at first. Maybe 200-300 ped is really too much and could be replaced by staggered refinement steps of several parts, or simply require n pieces in the fashion Calypso does it now with these nano adjusters. It's a trial and error kind of thing to find out what works.

I see the whole place here and everything in it still in beta and everything changeable. With this in mind, I decide about where to put my money. I disagree that both the Tanhok and Zora epic chains are not worth doing (anymore). I've set foot on both and will continue, just at -my- pace nobody has a right to criticize. If it doesn't check out for someone else that's totally okay, but not doing any homework for thousands of dollars is... umm... fill in any word you like.

One could argue that this is not known before someone goes ahead and presses for getting the discovery, at the risk of getting disappointed. The advertisement which attracted them at first didn't contain that level of detail. Or was it somewhere else and missed? I have no contest here. All the "adjustments" out on Calypso and Arkadia now have precise item stats published so everybody can make up their mind if they want to go for it. The Tanhok rewards can be checked out in the trader (except for eco which someone has to test first). It probably should have been put in the Zora dialog somewhere. Could we live with that for the future?


Well-Known Member
I agree, if a mission is easy or don't cost alot, no need to get an item with high value.
But Tanhok epic chain is not easy and cost. Kill the queen is more hard and cost.

Epic is for uber players like squeaks said, ok. But i am sure, make a poll on who finished the epic mission and have level 60 paramadic for use this fap, you will see, less than 1%.

Mod ek 2600 is more easy to make, and only level 35. I will not speak about eco, just let players who did the epic use the fap. Actually, you can't.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

I want to congratulate everyone on the discovery of this item. I glad that the patch finally got through.

I believe that we have some room to adjust this item in the future either through various different means, depending upon what MA allows for us to do.

That being said it's already something that I am talking to MA about.



Sandal San Tolk
I believe that we have some room to adjust this item in the future either through various different means, depending upon what MA allows for us to do.
Sounds great. I haven't dared yet to calculate how much I need to adjust my skills to approach it from the other side, but I found there isn't too much right here on Cyrene to augment it, i.e. few missions that help with the most relevant skills First Aid and Diagnosis (Field Detail Rank 5, Imperium Killer Rank 5 and some smaller ones). There is plenty of incentive drawing one away though, like Droka or Pirate Skeleton entire chains or Kiana repeatable stage. Short of it being in some data I missed, if the gap could be filled it might draw some interest. (Maybe include something other than hunting for a change? The fap could be interesting to miners also I guess.)
Sounds great. I haven't dared yet to calculate how much I need to adjust my skills to approach it from the other side, but I found there isn't too much right here on Cyrene to augment it, i.e. few missions that help with the most relevant skills First Aid and Diagnosis (Field Detail Rank 5, Imperium Killer Rank 5 and some smaller ones). There is plenty of incentive drawing one away though, like Droka or Pirate Skeleton entire chains or Kiana repeatable stage. Short of it being in some data I missed, if the gap could be filled it might draw some interest. (Maybe include something other than hunting for a change? The fap could be interesting to miners also I guess.)
Protocore repeatable gives Diagnosis (or Bioregenesis), and Stalker repeatable gives First Aid (or Dodge, or Evade, which might be more lucrative).

I can't speak for all miners but moi, I'm not really interested in this one, or any big FAP. There are probably other non-mining things many miners might be interested in (like tool/attachment crafting skills, L blueprints for the same, Strength tokens) but I must admit to not having thought about it much.
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Sandal San Tolk
Protocore repeatable gives Diagnosis (or Bioregenesis), and Stalker repeatable gives First Aid (or Dodge, or Evade, which might be more lucrative).
Oh very good, had missed that about the Protos. If you mean Duvall's Daily, I was thinking of something bigger and as you say, I do these for Evade rather.

Edit: Unless you mean "Cores Ahoy", well that's peanuts, too. Thought for a moment there was some addition missed out in the publications.
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New Member
Hey guys,

I want to congratulate everyone on the discovery of this item. I glad that the patch finally got through.

I believe that we have some room to adjust this item in the future either through various different means, depending upon what MA allows for us to do.

That being said it's already something that I am talking to MA about.


the "epic" fap sucks, if you want to adjust it in the future, maybe you should focus on lowering the lvl req and increase the eco like you did with the refurbished SI HEART.. in the last stage it becomes more eco, you may do something like that with the "epic" fap too
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Lilmc | Cyrene

Former Official of the greatest community.
Staff member
Hey everyone!

The feedback we're receiving is greatly appreciated as it will help us keep an eye out on key features in the future. As Kris mentioned in a earlier post, we're looking further into possible outcomes e.g. adjustment missions. I would also like to stress the fap shouldn't be considered end game equipment. When we have more details we will inform the community through the forums.



Sandal San Tolk
You can do a little comparing thanks to someone's foresight to backup our main information resource which is now down:

The crafted tool coming closest in terms of power is Gyro FAP-50 (L) and its skill requirements are almost as far up. The argument it could take away from crafters seems to have been considered.


It is quite suitable as a combat fap as pointed out, but the trouble is how to get there at all. The competing line of mindforce equipment has much lower entry requirements which also step in line with the skill development of a typical hunter. Example, I am now BLP sniper level 45, Paramedic/Biotropic both level 16 having trained on the chips ever since, got Regeneration Chip VII now as uL keeper and aiming for XI next which starts at lvl 22. But since that means an outright purchase of ca. 5k ped, Neff's Stim Pack is an interesting alternative and (to me) absolutely more fun to achieve through the mission. I just haven't a clue how to make it work (how long would it take to reach req. level without entirely changing path -- don't think I would be a much higher paramedic if I had used faps instead of chips) and I think this is everybody else's grief with it. But if you change it, the issue of potentially unfair competition comes up. Sounds like not an easy one.


Well-Known Member
You can do a little comparing thanks to someone's foresight to backup our main information resource which is now down:

Humm this page is outdated. Use entropedia, you will see all fap, like Mod 1350, mod 2600 etc ...

The crafted tool coming closest in terms of power is Gyro FAP-50 (L) and its skill requirements are almost as far up. The argument it could take away from crafters seems to have been considered.


Thats what i said, why to cycle 70k ped on mission if you can have a similar fap with a simple click. It make no sense...
There is not real much crafter, they are real explosives projectiles crafters lol... And on cyrene... humm not sure but not much crafter too.

5k ped, Neff's Stim Pack is an interesting alternative and (to me) absolutely more fun to achieve through the mission.

You don't really know what you say. Neff's fap is 401 ped TT, but this is not like a loot with a value of 401 ped, this is your ped that you convert to the fap. It mean, if you want a 5k ped fap, you have to put 5k ped in refiner. Then TT value is not the problem for this fap.

But if you change it, the issue of potentially unfair competition comes up. Sounds like not an easy one.

Humm ask to MA about unfair competition with crafter. Why they put FAP like mod 2350 or 2600 or adjusted/imp/mod restoration chip just by putting loot on NPCs. You try again to make a positive post for nothing.

Do you know alot uber players ? I mean over level 100 ?
I asked to ubers from Entropy and other society, they don't have skills requirement for this FAP. You play on Cyrene, ask to ivi too. He is Level 120 and level 54 paramedic... All said the same thing :
They never want to use this FAP even if it is LVL 20. Why ? Because high decay. Player prefer eco to TT value for an item.

Well, wait and see. I hope Kris can work well with MA for make this fap better.


Sandal San Tolk
Humm this page is outdated. Use entropedia, you will see all fap, like Mod 1350, mod 2600 etc ...
I know these and checked Entropedia again shortly before it went down, just useless to link here right now. The characteristic of the EMT kits is different, they release their effect over time. On the other hand they have much better eco, that's why professional healers prefer them. Neff's is a typical combat fap, once again. Not great eco, but very powerful and works at once. The Arkadian crafted faps have two lines even, combat and regular, with combat being faster but much worse eco. Everything has its place and you can't compare apples with oranges.

Thats what i said, why to cycle 70k ped on mission if you can have a similar fap with a simple click. It make no sense...
There is not real much crafter, they are real explosives projectiles crafters lol... And on cyrene... humm not sure but not much crafter too.
First, I didn't say the mission is cheaper, I said it is more fun and even added (to me). You may see it differently, but you actually did it without even knowing what you would get, so I don't quite catch the logic of the criticism. Then, it's not a "simple click" to get a mod EMT, unless you mean just buying it from auction. There are several steps of crafting and upgrading with shrooms, which you have to loot from Caperon, which are nasty and would be quite a bit easier with a tool like Neff's. Lastly, at least on Arkadia, crafting these tools is quite a business. At least one shop sells nothing else. There are never many crafters in any specific line, because the skills mechanics almost inevitably lead to monopolising.

You don't really know what you say. ... Then TT value is not the problem for this fap.
I haven't said a word about this.

All said the same thing :
They never want to use this FAP even if it is LVL 20. Why ? Because high decay. Player prefer eco to TT value for an item.
You don't even bother to read what I said, namely that it works for a specific application situation, not as generic fap. I would use it e.g. to recover from a critical hit if I'm at the brink and the next stroke would send me travelling which costs more than the decay from this fap. Neff's has better eco than the Gyro combats, and slightly better than heal chips.

That the entry level is sky-high and, once you have reached it, you'd also have access to even better tools, that is our common ground and the only real problem of this thing.


Goo Goo G'joob!
San.... SAN. Wake up san. San, wake up. THE FAP SUCKS. IT SUCKS. San... THE FAP SUCKS. Why is it you must always argue everything. Do u think u are scoring brownie points with the cyrene officials? THE FAP SUCKS.. and to be frank, that's being kind about it.
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