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  1. JaK UnLiMiTed

    i dont like this VU at all ><

    yea had tried both ways... no worries I am up and crafting them now... working good now :)
  2. JaK UnLiMiTed

    i dont like this VU at all ><

    The outpost east of Tahnok cystal gardens should of got some kind of update/upgrade.. I see lots of activity there and yet nothing.. sucks.. as for the VU I think I will save my depo for when things are running properly. as of right now I blew thru 200ped of ammo on dire weeds and the loot...
  3. JaK UnLiMiTed

    FIXED Cyrene Report Thread (14.1)

    cube component 1 BP is not working.. at least its not working for me.. shows me no attempts when I have over 5k of each mat. Lyst and oil Tried refining and that did not work either.. Now I have all my MATs refined and will probly have to have unrefined :((
  4. JaK UnLiMiTed

    What should Cyrene focus on next?

    Agreed.. It make killin with melee a pain the the butt. I like killin tide claws but this movement makes it quite a pain with melee ..
  5. JaK UnLiMiTed

    Rat tracking

    lol dang pirates.. I think I might go loot a few peeps in space myself :) count me as one of the rats lol. I think pirating is a good think it opens up a great proffession . Plus you dont have to be high skilled to use the guns that can take down a protential loot carrier :) Can I be the first...
  6. JaK UnLiMiTed

    What should Cyrene focus on next?

    Giving out Gifts for Halloween would have been a start. Wow I was very excited to log on this morning thinking that maybe we would get a gift from cyrene but I was truely let down.. :( Maybe I need to go to caly to get gifts. I will travel there for sure on Holidays now.. Dang Cyrene :angry:
  7. JaK UnLiMiTed

    What should Cyrene focus on next?

    Love'n the dire weeds.. Would love to see a higher hp weed maybe a stalker or something. I have graduated one cyrene born disciple and he was unable to graduate at cyrene :( he was very upset cause he had to wait for me to be able to take him to calypso.. imagine that, a cyrene born avatar had...