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  1. Deck Full Of Jokers

    Tis better to have a lobster on your piano.... than crabs on your organ!

    Tis better to have a lobster on your piano.... than crabs on your organ!
  2. Deck Full Of Jokers

    Devs Please Reply : Imperium Detectonator X2 (L)

    If all of the Cyrene Finders are going to use the 3/2/1 formula for Probe usage then it will end up making it harder to gather large quantities of the Cyrene native Ores and EnMatters for most people using them. There is a direct correlation between Ped spent Mining and Claim size. While it's...
  3. Deck Full Of Jokers

    I Pede in the woods and look what happened...

    The majority of the Pedes were killed on trips made at the Hunting Grounds. Three seperate spawns with two Pedes in each all centered around the small Outpost/TP. There are quite alot of other locations for them but you'll find they're usually mixed with higher level spawn and a good distance...
  4. Deck Full Of Jokers

    I Pede in the woods and look what happened...

    *facepalm* My bad man, I should have been a bit more specific about what you're looking at. If you peek a little closer at the chat window you'll see a gain in Combat Reflexes. 9k Pedes offers Psyche Tokens and a choice of Longblades, Powerfist or Combat Reflexes. I chose CR, and from what I...
  5. Deck Full Of Jokers

    I Pede in the woods and look what happened...

    Just thought i'd toss this up in case anyone might be interested. Not entirely sure how much skill it really gives since i've never done much with chipping except taking small amounts out to sell when I needed funds. The best guesstimate I could make is right around 5ped maybe? On a side...
  6. Deck Full Of Jokers

    Non native minerals and enmatters

    I'll toss in Adomasite, Alferix and Ignisium. I'm still building my personal stock of the others i've found so you'll have to wait on those unless someone else feels like chipping them in.