Hi now that the Imperium Detectonator X2 Blueprint is fixed.
(Requires Level 10 Tools to Click Now) YAY..
Are the stats on this finder correct ?
Seems that the developers are avoiding any official response to this item for over 3 months now, since the BP for crafting the item has been fixed. Maybe the finder is only meant to drop 2 probes for ore and 1 probe for matter, maybe this is the case with all cyrene finders to keep the cost for mining cyrene ores low. Very Very low chance to get a HOF using this item. But even if Lykke would confirm the stats are correct would be nice since Kris has supplied no response whether it is correct or if it is a bug.
Full TT on item is 170.00PED
This is my final attempt at getting an answer, it seems all the other bugs have been fixed, but I discovered this BP months ago and i want to click more, but if its bugged then it will be a waste cause the resources are expensive TT wise.
(Requires Level 10 Tools to Click Now) YAY..
Are the stats on this finder correct ?

Seems that the developers are avoiding any official response to this item for over 3 months now, since the BP for crafting the item has been fixed. Maybe the finder is only meant to drop 2 probes for ore and 1 probe for matter, maybe this is the case with all cyrene finders to keep the cost for mining cyrene ores low. Very Very low chance to get a HOF using this item. But even if Lykke would confirm the stats are correct would be nice since Kris has supplied no response whether it is correct or if it is a bug.
Full TT on item is 170.00PED
This is my final attempt at getting an answer, it seems all the other bugs have been fixed, but I discovered this BP months ago and i want to click more, but if its bugged then it will be a waste cause the resources are expensive TT wise.