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  1. S

    Bug Report Dr. Nikolo's Bug Problem

    Format C: /u The ULTIMATE file compression utility! :D sluggo
  2. S

    Bug Report Refined Cyrene minerals can't be ordered on AH?

    When is the next PP VU planned to happen, and When does Cyrene plan on going live? sluggo
  3. S

    Clarification about "mob stealing"

    Here's a semi related question. Some mobs regen. If I kill a panelion down below 50 percent, and it regens back up to full health, and then you come and kill it all the way down, do I get the loot because I originally had it below 50?, or do I lose some of those points as the regen occurs? I...
  4. S

    Bug Report Dr. Nikolo's Bug Problem

    Well they DID shrink the planet pretty good now didn't they? sluggo
  5. S

    Bug Report Dr. Nikolo's Bug Problem

    So if you were to start digging at that way point and go all the way in, you'd have come out at the other end, right in front of him! :D sluggo
  6. S

    Bug Report December 16th, 2014 Bug Report

    Pleak Puny Tempo mission Often when you kill them, they refuse to fall to the ground dead. Zombie Pleak? :D Worse yet, some of them you kill them in flight and they keep flying away before you can loot them :/ sluggo
  7. S

    Buying Grenade Launcher NGL-1

    Are they still available on the TT or are they in the list of items gotten rid of? I vaguely remember one of those, wish I had it still. sluggo
  8. S

    Too Dark at A.R.C. Starter Area

    At least most folks don't have CRT's anymore where that burns in the screen as well. Still hard on the eyes, yes agreed. sluggo
  9. S

    Record your glob & Hof

    For those having issues with the tracker recording your stuff, remember you need to set up a few things in it, and specifically point it to where your chat log is at on your computer so it can 'read' the stuff that happens. If you don't set it up properly it may appear to run but won't record...
  10. S

    Record your glob & Hof

    Ive been using it as well but havent been getting crap on cyrene lately as far as hofs or even semi almost decent returns. Might be part of the reason we are not seeing much either is that not much is dropping. sluggo
  11. S

    [30-50%] Returns this year!

    Ooh, that looks sharp child. You better give it to uncle sluggo for safe keeping so you don't cut yourself :D
  12. S

    Will Planet Cyrene get its own Disciple Armor?

    Good Point Cutter. WHEN is hard launch projected for now? Any time frame or is it just going to hang in the air forever? sluggo
  13. S

    Wish List Move the ARC Badges to Misc or make them un-TTable

    merge all stacks doesn't always either. Yah you are a hoarder, join the club. I looked at my crap the other day, 700 ped of a certain crap item in one storage, common sense says to TT it, the hoarder in me says well, you never know, something MIGHT happen where it's worth ped in the future...
  14. S

    Kenji's achievements

    Good job, I like seeing when folks make milestones. Me I don't really hammer towards anything for the most part, I just pick day by day and next thing you know.. something good happens... or my ped card is empty.. generally the latter. I find that when you focus too much on a 'goal' the game...
  15. S

    [30-50%] Returns this year!

    Ive noticed that hunting / crafting been a bit bad lately. Mining not too terrible. It's that time of the year again, just ride out the slump. When you see your returns in the dumper, slow down for a few days let it swing back again then go at it. sluggo
  16. S

    Cyrene Dynamic Upgrade Map Discussion

    I think they are on the right track. Once they finally do go full open I think it will improve greatly. The number of people on a 'team' does not mean much really. You can have a whole group of lazy idiots and nothing ever gets done..but the 'team' is HUGE... just look at the post office as an...
  17. S

    Too Dark at A.R.C. Starter Area

    Here is another shot, sometimes the only way you can really tell where the mob is at is by looking at the dot on the radar, these of course have the fire snout but still.
  18. S

    Too Dark at A.R.C. Starter Area

    Thank you Jetman, I have done that before with the gamma on the entire screen but have not tried just the 3D stuff yet. I thought 3D was just for when you got those goofy glasses on :D Ill play with it a bit see what happens. Also, as an FYI even in medium graphics quality it's still dark...
  19. S

    Too Dark at A.R.C. Starter Area

    I have taken some shots with my graphics set to medium instead of very high across the board and they are MUCH better. This would be awesome in very high, if we could keep the light up
  20. S

    Too Dark at A.R.C. Starter Area

    Thantos oddly enough, in high graphics mode that was sort of what was happening, but there was no outlines anymore, it just got that surreal silvery color, ie the gamma thing. What Gisela Dawes said is spot on, being in windows mode we can't tweak gamma to fix this when it happens which...