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  1. S

    Spear Head MK. I

    damn it should have been UL! Cmon why not? It's 50 pec tt ffs. Why it gotta be L is beyond me, since the newbie that will get it, will drive around the planet, then the mobs will destroy it in a few hits, after that it won't be usable. Same with Arkadia explorer hovercraft.. needs to be UL.
  2. S

    Spear Head MK. I

    Wow it's UL?
  3. S

    Lootable PvP on Planet Cyrene

    Maybe he didn't have any ammo with him? Was only exploring? :)
  4. S

    Bug Report Patch issues and bugs

    *Half of Zil'Zik Scout body is missing. * Zil'Zik Leader moves super slow. * If I'm not mistaken, the TT armor for females have 600 durability, while the TT armor for males have 900 durability.
  5. S

    Were did i see these

    Reminds me of Avatar movie :D looks sweet.
  6. S

    Low activity in HUB atm - Potential threat

    I think lowering the cost will be key to the hub for lasting success. Maybe only pay 5% the decay of the pvp item you're using. Because if you think about it, the decay adds up. Eventually people will stop going there, because nobody is gonna waste all their peds on the hub. Unless as the OP...
  7. S

    Bug Report Hunting Issues

    Yeah, better AI rocks. But the decay bill ain't gonna be fun to see after a hunt.
  8. S

    one thing that the hub needs, as fast as possible

    That's really great! But make sure to remove so you cannot drag HP bars from people while they are inside the arena. Because otherwise people can still use the function "Move to target when interacting". And then press on the HP bar. After that he can just press Auto use tool, or press on the hp...
  9. S

    Bug Report Be careful in space

    Great :) I think it's because they changed positions of FOMA/CP again. But forgot to update the new coordinates for the revival.
  10. S

    Bug Report Be careful in space

    Swedish: Yup, jag skulle till planet Cyrene för ett par dagar sen, tog min quad stack ut i rymden (Var i Planet Arkadia). Sen fick jag massive lagg. Och clienten kraschade. Efter det så loggade jag in. Och det gick ej att revive, tryckte T många gånger ändå så gick det inte. Så jag kontaktade...
  11. S

    one thing that the hub needs, as fast as possible

  12. S

    What do you LIKE/LOVE about Cyrene?

    The low level mobs are great. Shame I can't say about the loot. (But that's MA who controls it.. :/)
  13. S

    Agis's Camping Journal - Locations of Spawns

    Subscribed :D. Damn I love this planet, so many good low lvl mobs for me. I love it!
  14. S

    Platings in the Hub is an exploit

    They can fix that easily.. Cooldown time before you can enter the "TP" again after you just entered it. But the Arrival safe is needed. Because campers will otherwise camp the teleporters waiting for players to come there. And then kill them before they even load everything after gotten teleported.
  15. S

    Planet Cyrene PVP Token System

    The Colosseum? :D
  16. S

    Platings in the Hub is an exploit

    Maybe if they add my idea: http://cyreneforum.com/threads/improvements-expansion-for-the-hub.483
  17. S

    About the TT items

    They are to uneco to use for a newbie. And for the average tt weapon hunter people out there. You have to buy several of the weapons each time to do a hunt. They break way to fast. And it's really annoying have to go repair them every 5 min. So my question is: Is it possible to change their...
  18. S

    Bug Report Launch issues bugs thread

    Same those two mobs killed me and I crashed. Oh well :d
  19. S

    I suspect someone for using an autoklicker in the pk hub, which lets them fight in god mode

    That's great. But by then people will already have tons of pvp tokens since they abused it. Maybe disable the hub until the patch? That way it will be fair for most ppl. When it do get fixed. Btw new suggestion by me here: Please show Ed it. I missed him on the hub just now... :(...
  20. S

    Improvements & Expansion for the Hub

    Well I have some ideas, and I think it would be very nice to add different "Game modes" on the hub. Because not all people enjoy just Deathmatch, it's fun for awhile but eventually you wanna play a different style. So how about this? Team vs Team (Blue vs Red ect) Of 6 vs 6 players or even 12...