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Hey MS9.... wake up Kiddo! We going live in an hour and I'm still listening to the jukebox :( Did they forget to send you the memo that they were doing the update a few hours early?
Well I'm busting a gut listening to MSRadio. Damn near spit beer on my keyboard 3 times already!
Let's hope the MSR crew can keep the momentum going for the next 12 hours!
Can we expect Cyrene to be able to sustain the weapon/fap needs of hunters upon soft launch? Especially at the mid levels? I realize that this will be a soft launch and I don't expect the planet to be complete... but....... Are you's able to disclose whether or not you've got your main line of...
Obsidian Society is gathering in space as we speak.... (hopefully we pick a good space station seeings none of us know where the planet will be placed)..... The beer will most definately cause us to cycle INSANE amounts of PEDs into Cyrene's virgin economy. :)
Anxiously awaiting the launch of Cyrene here. Our SOC is locked and loaded and equipped with enough supplies to last us at least a week before we have to re-stock with tools/faps/weapons/etc. (But I know Cyrene's loot will provide some nice mid-high level weapons and faps in our loot so we don't...
To expand on what Bjorn said.... Arkadia doesn't have nearly enough UL gear. What happens if you're on Arkadia and your Limited helmet breaks? Well.... you go to auction and buy another one... but... what if there aren't any? (MindArk LOVES to keep at least one armor piece rarer than the rest...