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  1. Chazlow

    We need a Beast section

    Ty, but credit really goes to the Entropia Planets team. I merely seasoned the salad ;).
  2. Chazlow


    Will do Kris, release is getting close - will do so for maturity stats as well.
  3. Chazlow

    Armored Whiskerfish

    Armored Whiskerfish Creature:Armored_Whiskerfish/CyreneForum
  4. Chazlow


    Should be working now. Might move the description query beneath the images and tables inside the Creature Profile. Can be done anytime based on final opinions on layout. On to the next and most important part... Loot! :) I've looked at the Form:Loot code and Template:Loot code and made a...
  5. Chazlow


    Thanks Raz for the images, very helpful. I've made a workaround for the FF/Chrome/IE discrepancies which will only be visible in the exported forum version. All browsers should now see exactly the same rendering. If not, I'll give it some tweaks. Few questions: Firstly, is there a way to...
  6. Chazlow


    The data is completely fictional just to populate the template and check the layout. I'll remove/edit the data from the wiki as soon as the real info becomes available. Raz, could you post a screen of what it looks like on your end - the maturity table has about 30 px spacing for me after the...
  7. Chazlow


    Thanks Raz, slowly getting there ;) I dont see any scroll bars for the frames on my setup. Can you tell me approx how many pixels it is out for you that way i can adjust it to accommodate everyone.
  8. Chazlow


    Hackfin Creature:Hackfin/CyreneForum
  9. Chazlow

    In Search of Cyrene's Historical Symbol

    ...and they looked to the skies for a sign...
  10. Chazlow

    In Search of Cyrene's Historical Symbol

    The scary part is that I took this photo in my back-yard :eek:
  11. Chazlow

    In Search of Cyrene's Historical Symbol

    Little late for the comp but in the name of fun...
  12. Chazlow

    Any news, pictures?

    Seeing it is a Biped skeletal mesh, can it perform the avatar dance and gesture emotes? Consider adding the Wolf Summoning Howl emote ..... aaaarrrrwroooooooo
  13. Chazlow

    Any news, pictures?

    Only one comment... *drooooool*
  14. Chazlow

    Planet Cyrene Launch Date Released

    Great news! 50 days, 21 hours 38 mins and 40 seconds... but who's counting.
  15. Chazlow

    With Planet to Planet TP gone..what now?

    I was a skeptic of space with PvP lootable until I began shuttling playing between planets. The idea of risk and strategy is embedded in EU and PvP space provides another layer. It gives MS and Privateer owners an opportunity for business and gives those who like a challenge something to look...
  16. Chazlow

    Registration Update

    Packed and ready to go... *twiddles thumbs*
  17. Chazlow

    How close is Planet Cyrene to release?!?

    :) I hope they are making good use of this extra day in Feb :P
  18. Chazlow

    Crafting The ideal Blueprint Book ?

    Some thoughts on ideas and functions for the ideal BP book: 1 book per planet is a good idea Each carries unlimited no of BP's both L and UL but total number determined by TT value ie: for each 50 BP's stored requires 1 PED or so as an alternative to the level-based idea suggested above. Each...