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  1. phatal

    Zorra's Tier 7 Materials

    I promised I'd post this:
  2. phatal

    Saw something interesting today...

    Hmmm I guess imgur links don't work as image posts? :(
  3. phatal

    Saw something interesting today...

    I was doing some economy indexing on small mobs and came across this strange tree: https://imgur.com/a/q5hK9ng Then I realized, hey that looks a lot like my yucca plant! :) https://imgur.com/a/KBDqLfs
  4. phatal

    Introducing myself

    I'm an old (reformed inactive) EU player, 2005 or so, but haven't really started looking at the game the right way until the last couple years. Here I am, grinding hard to 70 to get Commando, and I think Cyrene is the place for me to do that. I see a lot of complaints on spawns, but as an...