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Introducing myself


New Member
I'm an old (reformed inactive) EU player, 2005 or so, but haven't really started looking at the game the right way until the last couple years. Here I am, grinding hard to 70 to get Commando, and I think Cyrene is the place for me to do that. I see a lot of complaints on spawns, but as an older player I love how it's laid out.

I'm sure I'll see some of you around. I play pretty much all day, every day.

Lilmc | Cyrene

Former Official of the greatest community.
Staff member
I'm an old (reformed inactive) EU player, 2005 or so, but haven't really started looking at the game the right way until the last couple years. Here I am, grinding hard to 70 to get Commando, and I think Cyrene is the place for me to do that. I see a lot of complaints on spawns, but as an older player I love how it's laid out.

I'm sure I'll see some of you around. I play pretty much all day, every day.

Hello phatal! Welcome back and glad to hear your liking it on Cyrene.

Phatal!!!!! =) glad you found this rock, Im rather liking it myself. Hopefully catch you around on planet sometime. The Christmas waves have been rather fun so far.