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  1. J

    Sweat Camp?

    I'd have thought the pede area by Setter Docks would count as a sort of sweat camp. I'm not on Cyrene at the moment (and that's partly because I went to Caly to sell the weaps I'd looted). At least the Cyrene weaps did sell on auction there, but that's still not the ultimate idea of what we...
  2. J

    My 1600 Tide Claws

    I believe the runs were from the vus before weapons were added. However, I also haven't had and weaps from tide claws yet after weaps were added, but from all the other mobs I have found at around 80-150 hp with the exception of merkofens.
  3. J

    Celebrating 8 Years in EU - What a Journey

    Yes, cheers :beerchug: to the adventures - past, present and future!
  4. J

    Bug Report chief's request mission not working

    I think it's a more general thing since the new mission tracking visualisation. I had grabbed the mission (forgotten the name) where you clean up the river south of the Zyn village, but maybe then relogged or something. Then it wasn't listed as active but the mission giver near the village tp...
  5. J

    Hunting Small mob return test

    yeah, finding the actual killing cost is easier with blp, melee or mf. My question on the calculation method is... how do you know it is 50 ped ammo actually spent? (as it can be less or more). If your hunt is 1 pede, for example, or if you get ammo loot and can keep the hunt going longer than...
  6. J

    Hunting Small mob return test

    Hi Razer :) Are you including the ammo fully in your calcs, even the loot boost level ammo of below 1 pec? I ask because on runs of 500 pedes it makes about 2 peds difference to the TT value loot figure just on all those "0.00" loots. Yes, I know it doesn't change the profit/loss, but it does...
  7. J

    [QUESTION] Newb Visitor to Cyrene

    yo Lykke :hug: ahh - the medium power cells... it's not quite as catchy as ahh - the egg, but the rarity seems close ;) We think we know that MA is responsible for all loot though, is that right? In which case the cells are probably being worked on for heavier drops 'at some point'. It's one...
  8. J

    [QUESTION] Newb Visitor to Cyrene

    May I respectfully hope you actually mean "doesn't mean the planet is ONLY for newbies."? Otherwise you have just owned up to Cyrene being a leecher planet, as by definition only the newbies are, well, new! And, if even players with some eu experience already (and some skills) don't find areas...
  9. J

    [QUESTION] Newb Visitor to Cyrene

    grats! Just to prevent any confusion - you got small bird wings in your loot, not the more common big ones. I haven't got an icon for those in my inventory either, just a big red cross. You just need a better fap now I guess ;)...
  10. J

    [QUESTION] Newb Visitor to Cyrene

    Hiya - most people wouldn't leave such detailed comments before leaving the planet again, so big +rep to you for this thread! :beerchug: Just over the hill NE from Setter Docks and the 30 hp pedes there are also 30 hp bots that have much better mu loot (ty non for telling me - I found them...
  11. J

    I really like this vu ;)

    Yeah, it's good for new players to have the pedes back at 30 hp. And the merkofen density is back up, although the maturity ratio seems to have shifted up too now. I'm seeing more people around, but I still don't see that crafting will sustain the boost, tbh. The biggest mistake in my opinion...
  12. J

    FIXED Cyrene Report Thread (14.1)

    A few comments on the latest minipatch notes: ty for the fixes! The Mission: Ultimate N00b Challenge! The creatures needed to count for kills should be south from the terminal (Weak, Watcher, or Solider Scout Bots, Tree Dragons, Sea Wraiths, Dire Weeds). This will be clarified in a future...
  13. J

    FIXED Cyrene Report Thread (14.1)

    The Ultimate Noob Challenge is based east of ARC camp Gamma, with mobs of, I think, 90 HP. I don't think the weak tideclaws are meant to count, but the description for the mission is probably not clear... Also, at the rate the pedes and others are growing in strength, no noobs will be able to...
  14. J

    FIXED Cyrene Report Thread (14.1)

    ouch! Yes, it is UNREFINED mats that you need.... the component 1 BP worked for me yesterday.
  15. J

    i dont like this VU at all ><

    yeah, blue needs to be as common as yellow or green (or close to). I also believe NPC switching is manual, yes - I'm unaware of any guidelines that say when unlocks should be made (and not forgotten), but I thought it was in MA hands too actually. It is, however, SICKENING to have no idea when...
  16. J

    Planet Cyrene Market Day

    Peak population is presumably related to peak globalling times overall, but Cyrene has so few people on it that just 1 person on a globalling mob will probably make their own little peak... This is why I just suggest making a few calls out to "visit the market on the hour for 5 mins" if you want...
  17. J

    i dont like this VU at all ><

    With the amount of idiotic beliefs that circulate, if someone actually 'knows' that the servers must be running for 24 hours before certain new elements ARE ALLOWED to be switched on (or do so automatically?), then it would perhaps be nice to explain that more clearly as a problem that currently...
  18. J

    i dont like this VU at all ><

    It may as well be asked here...: dear Cyrene devs or balancer responsible, how many of these new imperium key cubes do you expect to be used by people when you consider what it takes to craft them? Or is it a crafting info bug that each attempt will take 3 cubes (15 ped tt), plus 150 imp tokens...
  19. J

    FIXED Cyrene Report Thread (14.1)

    pvp tokens have moved to misc section of inventory, are marked X and are not available for use or tt-ing.
  20. J

    Planet Cyrene Market Day

    http://efa.ms/schedule/ for Bismarck and Kronan. Note that Kronan only comes if asked to on the Friday schedule (site needs updating) http://www.titans-of-space.de/schedule.shtml#CompleteSchedule is the Normandie schedule. However, these don't stop long and VIP flights can take place pretty...