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  1. J

    Bug Report VU 12.8.2 Report Thread

    The spawning of tokens in the "sweaty area" of the hub was announced as fixed recently. I had a look, but found noone and nothing! Does spawning on the live system require fights to fill the pool? While I'm mentioning it, do you need to be walking or stopped to see a spawned token, and can stuff...
  2. J

    Major VU Day - excitment for all Cyrene citizens - Will MA deliver !

    well, grats on the Enkidd S4. I admit to being wrong on my expectations there then.... I wonder if it is only one the ones already crafted however - for the following reason which still puzzles me). My spear mk I (L) has an SI of 1500, even though it says 300 on one part of the info. Ones on...
  3. J

    Saving PED - Locked Account ---> FUN ..not

    Yes, this whole thing of new loots and new opportunities right at the start of vus is crazy. It did seem that MA were now waiting a few days to actually switch some of the bp loots etc on, but that is also no solution if they don't tell people that loots are not in the system yet! I believe loot...
  4. J

    Major VU Day - excitment for all Cyrene citizens - Will MA deliver !

    A.R.C. Challenge – 500 Crystal Pedes should now correctly award the skill you choose. Oh goodie, for all who now do it. Am I happy that I bug tested (guinea-pigged) that one? Yes and no - at least it is apparently fixed now! However, what will keep me away from learning the new delights of...
  5. J

    Major VU Day - excitment for all Cyrene citizens - Will MA deliver !

    Well, Cyrene has evolved enough for quite a few questions at least. On spelling - do you mean Cyrene effected or affected? (both words could be considered potentially accurate ;)). Ok, if just missions, I expect you mean affected... Hopefully the bps and available loots will actually make some...
  6. J

    So, what are your thoughts of Cyrene?

    wow, very nice post on Sunday, Non!:) If I may say so, here we have an example of someone who almost didn't stay because of 'feeling noobish'? Now, Non is already making good lists of the plusses on Cyrene! I'm very happy for you that you have make that curve, Non, but the developers need to...
  7. J

    Uphill Spear Race

    A great idea! :) There have been races in most vehicles, but not seen a spear one yet. I believe Bizarrick is now on the MSM team. I flew a heli for him to get video of a combi-race at New Switzerland - can be seen if you enter entropia november race in the search. Not many views, but it's...
  8. J

    Spear V.5-346

    How is it on taking damage from hidden blades of grass etc, even on supposedly clear roads? I know many of these invisible places now, but it's like driving around potholes and I jump in vehicles other than my mission spear in most cases. Hopefully this version only punishes real crashes!
  9. J

    Is there a working 5k challenge or Cyrene is under alt attack?

    The 5k crystal pede mission is working and promises something like 325 tokens. I don't know where you get the idea that token prices have never been lower than now, unless 'now' is the price being asked by that player, which I haven't seen. Otherwise I think auction history does show a dip...
  10. J

    Hide Armor Plate (L) Blueprint (L) 100 runs on auction

    Well, I now have the BP too, and it's not like it's a random drop or anything - it's a mission reward. The value of the BP will thus depend on the value of the plates made and the population on Cyrene. Now I realise I could be surprised, but I'm not holding my breath!
  11. J

    Unlimited but Limited Enkidd Howler S.4

    Many thanks Loren for that great account that I read in your linked thread. I'd like to ask your opinions about the potential value of this gun in either (L) or un(L) form, and thus whether it is actually WORTH anyone clicking or not now that we know what comes out? I ask because of my...
  12. J

    Providing Ground does not spawn any token at all

    ...sounds like answer b) then :)
  13. J

    Bug Report S.I. FlameThrower no D.O.T.

    Now that is a MASSIVE observation! What is the point of test servers if they do not do what the live servers do? (I don't mean this ironically.... it really is a major WOW of something not being done right)
  14. J

    Cyrene Resource Collection Services

    *shakes head* - Yes, I can see you have other low quantities on auction at much lower mu, thus I CAN see that you are not ONLY doing 2000%. No, I'm not JUST basing it on the yellow crystal - you have zorn ore on I believe too. I can write that you are not listening, or that you don't 'seem' to...
  15. J

    Cyrene Resource Collection Services

    Thanks for the reply Agis. I did read your post and reply, so I wasn't jumping the gun. I realise that you say you are catering for certain people and have different offers for crafters, and as long as lots of tt is sold at lower mu then the 2000% won't affect the statistics much. All good and...
  16. J

    Cyrene Resource Collection Services

    TunerS has beaten me to it with his criticism. With my irony mode still turned on I'd think that you worked for a very unbalanced balancing team or something! Now I have been known to put a low number of mission loot on the market at a high mu myself, but only because the missions concerned have...
  17. J

    Providing Ground does not spawn any token at all

    Place your bets please - tokens won't spawn because: a) not switched on yet b) the whole environment is like motherships, where nothing can be dropped or spawned... but nobody realised c) spawning is linked to kills - and so far there haven't been enough as there is never anyone around d) tokens...
  18. J

    New vehicle BPs????

    well the bp is unlimited it would seem - value 1 pec and no (L) behind the blueprint bit! So I would think it came from crafting and not any mission.
  19. J

    bugs bugs bugs

    and another great feat of brilliance.... I finshed the 500 crystal pedes and chose 'evasion' as my reward. What did it give me? Dodge! And I can't even say how much I got because I didn't note my dodge skill before accepting - I wrote down my evade of course! I was going to write positively as...
  20. J

    New vehicle BPs????

    What came first I wonder, the bp or the crafting? Reminds me of 'What came first, the chicken or the egg?' However, at least in EU terms, it was no chicken, but someone brave enough to try.... and the egg? - well, that used to be a rallying cry in some parts of the universe... 'Ahhh, the...