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That is simply not true. I can only speak for myself but I was aware of the rareness of the UL Ecotron at the vendor before I had 15 Badges, which is as good as before starting the badge grind.
The rules have been the same since ever. People have always been free to decide if the combined effort...
I also found something a week ago on the Paneleon Island, just NE from where you found yours.
It looked like white discs (maybe would have looked like white flowers if I had higher resolution) at waist high, sort of blendeded in and against a tree trunk.
I was able to select them and pick them...
Get this error each time I clicked:
Imperium Cube Component 5 BP
Imperium Cube Component 2 BP
Imperium Cube Component 3 BP
Ozpyn Filter BP
Ozpyn Cold Prot Armor BP
Yes, infact we all worked towards the same thing. And what was that? ACCESS to the vendor.
Don't know about you, but 2-3 days after setting foot in Cyrene I understood that 200 badges would NOT grant me an Ecotron, but only access to the vendor where I would possibly find it if I were luckier...
That makes as much sense as if I said:
There is this bastard cook in my country called Gordon Ramsay who owns 12 Ferraris! and I drive a Ford Focus!
The only question that I think matters is... Did the guy you mention get the Ecotrons legit or botting?
If legit, enough said. You can check the...
As someone who spends most of his playtime doing repeatable missions, I have the following wish:
I love the fact that ARC badge missions have a 21h timer. It allows me to do the missions roughly at the same time every day, which is a very good thing for an adult who wishes to have some life /...
Will try to catch you in game.
I am producing the components to skill up my crafting.
Let me know if you want only complete cubes or if you also buy independent components at varying prices.
I don't craft the same amount of components since I had different amount of materials.
I was led to believe there were bots at the shops.
I will now exclude myself from the discussion, since the bots were the only thing I saw wrong about the whole topic.
Are you sure you are not confusing with Scrap Metal for daily The Ambassador Needs You! at 38363, 77684 in ARC Immigration Zyn?
I mined Cyrenium Ore that seem to have no use.
I fully agree with all you just said on the second part.
On the first part you mention "vendor distribution system". Vendors should not distribute stuff. just like in real life, they provide a good or a service to whoever is able and willing to pay the asking price when the good/service is...
Just because you said so doesn't mean it is discussed, let alone agreed on :)
If time is worth nothing for you, it must be an infinite resource for you. Do you have the time to live camp? If not, logic begs that you value a resource you don't have enough of.
How big is the big picture?
I believe badges are working as intended. They do pull us to hunt targets we would possibly not hunt otherwise. I think it is totally coherent. There are higher level Ecotrons for the higher stages of the badge progression, right? Isn't that continuous progress? Once you acquire any other UL...
As I see it the current cost of the Ecotron has 3 components:
- Shrapnel PED cost of 100 PED
- 200 Badge time/PED cost (no less than 4 weeks for a very active player on Cyrene)
- shop spawn competition (a.k.a. cost of opportunity)
As you pointed out, the PED cost is very low. What is the...
I think we are fighting too many battles against each other's point of view here, instead of uniting against the only consensual issue.
- UL existence to begin with - Some say yes, other say no!
- Make it bind! - Some say yes, other say no!
- More this or less that...
Lets put all that in a box...
My math was indeed flawed.
I see your point of it being obscenely cheap if you count time value as zero. And cost of opportunity as also zero.
Time's value is a subjective thing I guess. What everyone agrees on is that bots are bad and need addressing urgently.
I don't really know how bad the...
I agree 100%
I don't agree. Badges are totally related since badges are the activity indicator. If a person logs 1 hour every over day, or visits Cyrene on weekends, will never get 200 badges. Boting is the problem here, not the weapon or the path to it. Someone who checks the shop daily every...
I don't see it like that.
200 badges is about 3 weeks at best dedicating a few hours every single day to token missions. Not sure that doesn't make the account both active and local.
The current system that people claim to invite for boting, also includes a ban for the boter. If C-team or MA...