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Search results

  1. K

    Cyrene Missions

    Ultimate N00b Challenge , the mobs you are looking for if you are curious are around Coords 129788,84186 , Enjoy :)
  2. K

    Bile Jelly worms

    is the 20 kill Jellyworm mission not working . i killed 3 and nothing registered in mission?
  3. K

    Cyrene Missions

    Not sure if anyone has posted , but 1000 Dire Weeds you are rewarded with 100 click ( 1 Ped ) Dragonfly v1 (1) Blueprint (L) 5000 dire Weeds , rewarded Imperium Tokens , not sure how many though
  4. K

    where can i get strong sinew?

    was that you Hoffing away?
  5. K

    FIXED An Internal Error Has Occured

    yeh did all that , it isnt at my end Anyway i am Back , waited 12 hours and finally my Calls were heard , was ported back to Caly and am now enroute back to Cyrene :)
  6. K

    where can i get strong sinew?

    all i know is those drop it
  7. K

    where can i get strong sinew?

    Rhino :)
  8. K

    FIXED An Internal Error Has Occured

    after using GC , i have Internal Error , try again in a few mins , if persists contact support , followed all steps , and support is non existant
  9. K

    FIXED An Internal Error Has Occured

    No Official Support ????????
  10. K

    FIXED An Internal Error Has Occured

    1hr 30mins .......... i am Guessing noone works at Cyrene offices or Mindark for that matter
  11. K

    FIXED An Internal Error Has Occured

    Yeh , tried for over 30 minutes now , keep getting same error message , sent Support Case , but we all know Mindark wont reply for a billion years
  12. K

    FIXED An Internal Error Has Occured

    Hello , coming back to Cyrene from Calypso , i had to relog and now i cant due to an Internal Error , some Help??
  13. K

    Cyrene Materials and Resources

    *looking* sorry I'm using my HTC phone . Autocorrect is awesome
  14. K

    Cyrene Materials and Resources

    What materials you liking for to craft the above vehicle , I will see what I can do
  15. K

    Damage types

    Hello again peeps , just thought i would do a quick Test , as there is speculation regarding mob damage types , Now dont quote me on any of this as i only did a small test with certain mobs , but i suspect alot of them must have Cold damage as i have protection from most other types...
  16. K

    Blue Crystal

    thats tge plan , non ;)
  17. K

    Blue Crystal

    well i will make it my never ending quest to get at least one claim of blue crystal with any finder from god knows where
  18. K

    Recently moved from Calypso

    you mean the swamplurkers go invisible or under the ground , gotta love glitched bugged mob
  19. K

    Recently moved from Calypso

    hello all cyrenians :) new resident to the planet , and so far am enjoying the new content , peace and exploring will be calling cyrene home for quite some time if not permanent
  20. K

    Blue Crystal

    ok people of cyrene , i want to get this answered please , i am hearing that blue crystal can only be found in one place on all of cyrene and also that only a tt cyrene rookie finder will find it , is that true and if so why is it that other crystals can be found with any other finder