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  1. D

    The Planet Cyrene TEN Edition - Hub Encounter

    I have uploaded some screenshots of the bug i was mentioning. PLEASE get this bug fixed before the event. thanks http://cyreneforum.com/threads/bug-weapons-not-maxed-in-the-hub.1105/
  2. D

    Bug: weapons not maxed in the hub

    here are some screen shots of the bug i was mentioning: These are my skills in the arena: as you can see the skills drop down to 19 after brawler (dmg). If you read the chat window it says: "entered equal skill zone: all avatars have the same skill and health". Apparently the avatars...
  3. D

    The Planet Cyrene TEN Edition - Hub Encounter

    Do you think the bug that some players don't get maxed weapons in the arena will get fixed by then?
  4. D

    Unable to effectivley use melee in the HUB.

    Some players including me, are experiencing this with all the weapons. Is there any way that this bug can be fixed before the event?
  5. D

    Bug: weapons not maxed in the hub

    just wanted to add that the stats of the guns used in the hub are the same for me whether i'm in the hub or not. even after the skill increase
  6. D

    Bug: weapons not maxed in the hub

    Hey I've just realized that unlike everyone else in the hub I haven't maxed the tt weapons. For example one of the guns has a recommended level of "ranged laser (dmg)" of 11. When I'm in the hub that profession is increased to level 19. But when i check the stats of the gun, I'm not even close...
  7. D

    Emtpy rooms

    cool thanks, just realized it doesn't get consumed if you don't get killed lol
  8. D

    Emtpy rooms

    Today i decided to check out the cyrene hub. This is what mainly happened: I enter the 25 pec room, no ones there I enter the 50 pec room, no ones there I enter the 1 ped room, no ones there I enter 1 ped 1v1, no one there I enter 5 ped room ... I enter 10 ped room ... So all in all i...