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  1. AlyaDrarh

    Zyn'Kimbro Fireplaces

    Were they able to address this in the update? Alya
  2. AlyaDrarh

    Zyn'Kimbro Fireplaces

    I was referring to the vendor (Gringo or something like that). Interesting to hear they never worked. Hopefully Kris convinces MA to turn them on.
  3. AlyaDrarh

    Cyrene Missions (2017)-Reward : Cyrene Mission Token

    I finally got around to addressing this mission (had picked up a few months ago): 5x [Kaisenite Ingot] - [133131, 74999, 110] - Requisitions Officer (Electronic Component Enhancements) I can't make the npc work. I tried relogging. I don't know if it is not working or if it is player...
  4. AlyaDrarh

    Zyn'Kimbro Fireplaces

    That is wonderful. Thank you for looking into it. Alya
  5. AlyaDrarh

    Zyn'Kimbro Fireplaces

    Are these still available for Cyrene Mission Tokens? I cannot find anything that confirms one way or the other and the vendor that was identified for them does not seem to work. Does this mean these are no longer available?