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Search results

  1. Master Chief

    Selling Hub Weapons and Gear

    I currently have for sale, The following Hub only weapons and Gear. TT Gear: Turrelion Spec First Aid Pack : Tier 1.1 Turrelion Spec First Aid Pack : Tier 1.2 White Level: Star Dust Stunna Xent Tech Freeze Ray X1 Alpha Sticky Launcher Turrelion Spec Flamebather Version 1 Blue Level: Enki's...
  2. Master Chief

    Zombie Armaments (Calypso)

    Hello everyone, The Zombie Armaments (Main) store is now up and running and at 90% stock. The store currently carriers a wide variety of armor, tools, weapons, Holiday items and even decor. Planet Calypso Thread: Zombie Arm's Planet Cyrene Promotion: Selling with Zombie's (Operational)...
  3. Master Chief

    Unofficial Tide Claw Madness Results

    Hello everyone, I took the liberty to compile an early estimate Tide claw Results to help the community to try to see where they stand. These results are in no way Official Nor are they guaranteed correct Places. I will construct The results on third party software from Entropia life to help...
  4. Master Chief

    Caution When Totem Summoning

    Use High caution when using the Totem Summon item to Summon the creature at the 0x1 Supply behind eve playground, There is a chance it can summon within distance of the local turret which kills it on sight. Also when summoned watch your movements if you use walk backwards while firing. Also...
  5. Master Chief

    Zombie Armaments (ELM FLoor 1 #1L)

    Hello everyone, After a mere 2 year long support case with Mindark I was finally granted my long lost shop deed, I would like to let everyone Know its been reacquired and will start restocking it asap. I will also like to give those who don't have a shop or low on peds a chance to utilize my...
  6. Master Chief

    Hub Weapons Data Sheet

    Hello everyone, I decided the time I spent on Cyrene I have really been slacking on information sharing. So I decided ill start sharing information about Cyrene to help making players more aware and hopefully bring more attention to the planet. This week I decided to Start with the HUB. The Hub...
  7. Master Chief

    PvP Gear Armor, Tools, Weapons, and More!

    Hello here is a List of Items that you can obtain from within the Arena or Trade. Armor: Turrelion Spec Armor - (7 Parts) Turrelion Spec Arm Guards (M,F) - TT - Entry - 1.40 PED Turrelion Spec Gloves (M,F) - TT - Entry - 1.40 PED Turrelion Spec Boots (M,F) - TT - Entry - 1.40 PED...
  8. Master Chief

    Buying Lime Green Tokens from Hub

    Hello all! Chief here wanting to start back up on collecting Lime green tokens. Looking for all amounts and buy bulk amounts! 2Peds/1K (willing to pay more for much bigger stock) -The Chief 204596/550000
  9. Master Chief

    A.R.C. Faction Missions

    If anyone is needing any help or would like to form up a team to tackle these faction missions for the badges, Add me ingame "Remy Master Chief Lebeau" and I will assist you in any way I can. Remember I will only be able to do it when I login. -The Chief Next Login: Roughly 1300 EST
  10. Master Chief

    Hello Community!

    Hello everyone Chief here, Wanted to say a Quick Hello to everyone that remembers me including the ones I got into an disagreeable moment! I will soon be coming back to Cyrene-EU Have no idea when. But its good to see the community has grown a bit not a whole lot but still a manageable amount...
  11. Master Chief

    Extra Life 2014

    Hello everyone Chief here, I'm currently doing the Extra Life 2014 event. I will be game cycling to help raise money and to do fun things in Eu on Planet Cyrene specifically. If anyone would like to help share the awareness or join Extra Life, or even Donate small cash amount to help meet my...
  12. Master Chief

    Hiring Anti-Forum Spam Bot Unit!

    Ha! thought that will lighten up the mood from these pain in the ass Spam Bot arseholes! anyways forgive my choice of words don't like it leave this thread. and too the Dev team, maybe a new style of letting people into forums like has to be accepted before joining forums or an invite only...
  13. Master Chief

    Paradigm and Imperium Clothes

    Hello all here is a screenie with all clothes to date (Atleast the crafted ones). -The Chief
  14. Master Chief

    Buying Zorn Ore/Ignots!

    Looking for a big bulk of Zorn Ore/Ignots, I need another 34k Zorn ignots for a big craft run. Pm ingame, Message me on forums, or leave a reply here! Will negotiate price but looking for around 110%!
  15. Master Chief

    Imperium Noble/Common Clothes

    Finally! The long wait comes to an end. Cyrene has released a nice amount of clothes blueprints for the community to discover and craft these masterpieces. To be honest I don't know who to thank more; The Cyrene Team or Kris. *think Kris will try to take all the credit* So round applause to the...
  16. Master Chief

    Imperium Cube; Summon and Instance

    Hello All, I would like to the get the whole Cyrene community involved on this project. This will be a simple database all info gather here I will merge it and update as frequent as possible. Instance: (Didn't get the loot total but will do this next time) Run 1: <20K Dmg Points Dealt Loot -...
  17. Master Chief

    Discovery - Pilot Pistol Rank 1 (L)

    After 2 ½ Long Drooling Months, I have Killed an ungodly amount of Scout Bots, Sky Wraith, Dire Weeds, and Sand Dragons. I can finally breath, The shores of Arc Camp Gamma is just a little bit safer. Thanks to Everyone making me stick to it! *You know who you are!*
  18. Master Chief

    Bug Report Cyrene Report Thread (14.0.3)

    First, I would like to sorry about breaking from this but I've gathered enough things to make a list what still needs to be worked on and what not. This list has wide ranges of things from mining, crafting, hunting, loots, hub, and more! Also I would like as much input for the community if you...
  19. Master Chief

    Syndicate of Fenris

    I would like to let everyone know a new Cyrene based society has emerged out the shadows. With the help of Planet Cyrene loyalist (you know who you are) We were able to create 'Syndicate of Fenris', we are a society full of knowledge and energy about Cyrene. If anyone is here to stay on Cyrene...
  20. Master Chief

    Ermald Lake Mall Floor 1 #1L Grand Opening

    Sam and I would like to Celebrate the move to our new and improved Shop. We have loaded The shopkeepers with Cyrene Vehicles, Weapons, Armor, and tools! Get them quickly they are already selling now! Vehicles: -Spear Mk. III 150% -Dragonfly 170% -Enkidd Weapon Series 115% -O.S. F.A.P. M1 (L)...