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Syndicate of Fenris

Master Chief

Smuggler - Hibernation
I would like to let everyone know a new Cyrene based society has emerged out the shadows. With the help of Planet Cyrene loyalist (you know who you are) We were able to create 'Syndicate of Fenris', we are a society full of knowledge and energy about Cyrene. If anyone is here to stay on Cyrene or even need help, Syndicate of Fenris is ready to help just ask or even drop off your application with us at the nearest society terminal. We will release more details about our existence at a later date.

Happy New Year from Syndicate of Fenris members!


There can be only one, and YOU BUB; Are NOT IT.
Just out of curiosity, for my own good and mental well being, exactly how did you get a screen shot of a chat inside the Society?
Is that Photoshoped? If not, what'd ya do to Master Chief to get him so riled up?


There can be only one, and YOU BUB; Are NOT IT.
I meant: I'll ask.... then I can GET the Guillotine and Ban Hammered. :p


Not suffering from insanity, enjoying it very much
I meant: I'll ask.... then I can GET the Guillotine and Ban Hammered. :p

Ahhhh, now it makes perfect sense :D
Yeah go ahead and do that :)
If you need a tentacle to lift the hammer let me know lol ^^

But in any case... thread is sidetracking, i wont post more here unless it is related to the topic.

Master Chief

Smuggler - Hibernation
Due to kids, this thread is way off topic, recommend a full purge and restart. Also make clear no names to not make one comment.


Not suffering from insanity, enjoying it very much
You mean due to kid :p

Ok done posting here unless there are more stupid comments from kid.

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
OMG ... I am friends with both of you (MC and jellyfish), and I have witnessed this public display of "mine's bigger than yours" in several threads now, and to tell you the truth, I can't believe that the two of you have been going at it like you have. :rolleyes:

I care for you both, and I would like to respectfully request that you take this out of the forum and get it sorted, because we really don't need to be exposed to this kind of dialogue that serves no purpose other than to continue inciting more of it.

I also can't believe that this hasn't been squashed already, but I'm not a moderator anymore and it's not my place to deal with things like this, BUT ... I AM a friend of you both, and if you don't get your sh!t together, I'll get in the game and kick both your asses - bad knee or not. :nana:

I'm just sayin' ...

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
I agree on this - but haven't seen all your off topic comments before now.

All off-topic posts in this thread is now deleted, and I ask people kindly to 'start over' and continue being on-topic - thank you =)