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Just want to make sure i didnt get what kris said wrong :D
Will sothorite and nosifer become more common next mini patch?
Its great that the series blueprints are now working, but a major pain to find the ingredients... im thinking about sothorite and nosifer. At this drop rate on soth i will...
a picture says more than a thousand words.. this is at the bottom of the lava lake
no biggie really, but i think it had a bit of comedy value to it.. plus i can't sleep, so... ^^
i completed the mission before the vu, then 3 days later i grabbed the quest again and killed some, dunno how many, however now that i wanted to finish the mission it's not in my mission log. fine i thought, i will just go grab a new one, but speaking to the npc all i got was a message saying...
apart from the "kill x amount of mang chang" mission, is there a second mang chang mission?
a 10 ped item was discovered some days ago, and the description seemed to imply that it was a mang chang mission reward... any ideas?
I am guessing this is a bug considering the new expensive price tag on the fap blueprints..
Sothorite and nosifer is still extreamly hard to find
And orange crystals is also very hard to get
these blueprints are empty. no description on them, no info or anything, just blank blueprints.
if you type in their name in the crafting machine they don't show up either.
90% of everything on cyrene was messed up, and the only two really nice things about cyrene were the o.s. m1 and o.s. m7 blueprints...
so when i read that the mining areas and density would be increased i got happy...
then i log on and see that the density hasn't been increased AT ALL, and...
Everyone keeps saying that we will get planet partner VUs in the end of february, but no-one seems to know any date... well, no-one i have asked that is ^^
got a terrible migrane so im not going to crawl through alot of posts on different forums hoping to find the answer... so i will just ask...
at the merfolken wave event you get 3 minutes to kill ALOT of merfolken elites and... uhm, merfolken hunters i believe it was.. anyway, after those 3 minutes the wave event times out, but some more merfolken spawns and dies right away for a bit, and your radar got ALOT of blue dots from dead...
there is a mob called zil'zik, its the only mob on cyrene that i havent killed (as far as i know atleast) but i cant find it... the location on the creature locations image is empty, and its the same spot that agis camping journal refers to. they arent there.
have they moved or been removed?
Since there is no crafting section on the forum im posting it here.
I have done quite alot of clicks on cyrene and never seen any blueprints drop.. Not even those crappy calypso blueprints that we all love to hate and always get thousands of on every other planet.
Speaking to other people on...