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Search results

  1. Naity

    BIG 2-Year-Anniversary-Party

    On Sunday, the last day of our BIG 2-Year-Anniversary week, we decided to Gather together in our first event. The goal was to go fruit, stone and dung walking. Then send the waypoint of your findings and trade this valuable information for some Turrellion Essence. I must say, we had...
  2. Naity

    BIG 2-Year-Anniversary-Party

    Saturdays events started with the Stairway from Heaven at Sky Labs. It's a pretty challenging platform where you can't be afraid of heights. There is no railing at the stairs you need to jump down to get to the end. Every misstep can send you into a freefall down to the sea. We made a...
  3. Naity

    BIG 2-Year-Anniversary-Party

    And here we are on Friday already. One last time we assembled a team of 10 experienced hunters and armed them with Rubios and ammunition. The location for our Nimet Spearman’s Mang Beetle Hunt were the Great Plains. Here live a nice mixture of creatures. Various maturities of Nimet...
  4. Naity

    BIG 2-Year-Anniversary-Party

    On Wednesday we went Puny Bashing on our Rhino Chang’s Mang Beetle Hunt. But these Puny Rhino Beetles aren't as cute as you might think. They start at 1.000 HP and have a nasty bite. Much nicer are the small Mang Changs with only 800 HP. We even found a rich one worth 81 PED! Btw. you can win...
  5. Naity

    BIG 2-Year-Anniversary-Party

    Some Anniversary pics from Monday and Tuesday. Our week-long party started off on Monday at 17 UTC with a 5P1D3R Merfolken Hunt. Spiders in the dark! Only the bravest hunters dared to get near them. The Merfolken after were much nicer. One even gave us a 47 PED global. At 19 UTC it was...
  6. Naity

    BIG 2-Year-Anniversary-Party

    On May 1st it is two years since BIG Industries and the SSI Event came to Cyrene. Ever since we host SSI daily (at 20 UTC* weekdays and 15 UTC on weekends) with a sweat buy up to 10x 1K sweat for 2,5 PED on Cyrene. Every Friday at 18 UTC and Sunday at 21 UTC we do HSL hunting events at the Ngu...
  7. Naity

    Entrolympic Events 2024

    Dizzy Easter
  8. Naity

    Entrolympic Events 2024

  9. Naity

    Entrolympic Events 2024

  10. Naity

    Entrolympic Events 2024

    St. Patrick's Costume Contest
  11. Naity

    Entrolympic Events 2024

    My Pic for the Valentine's Day Costume Contest.
  12. Naity

    Entrolympic Events 2024

    Fruits Finding + Maneleon
  13. Naity

    Planet Cyrene Quarterly Player Loading Screen Submission

    Nature's allure inspires timeless yearnings.
  14. Naity

    Cyrene’s BIG Winter Wonder Party

    With the end of the year approaching and the holidays being just around the corner, it is a great time for all of us to come together and have some fun. What better way to do this then with a jolly party? Planet Cyrene and BIG Industries therefore invite you all on December 16th/17th to...
  15. Naity

    BIG 1-Year-Anniversary-Party

    On May 1st 2022 BIG Industries and the Daily SSI Event came to Cyrene with a BIG Special SSI Launch Party including sweat buys until the planet was dry and fun trivia for giveaways. For nearly a year now we are hosting SSI daily at 21:00 UTC weekdays and 15:00 UTC on weekends with a sweatbuy up...