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BIG 2-Year-Anniversary-Party


On May 1st it is two years since BIG Industries and the SSI Event came to Cyrene. Ever since we host SSI daily (at 20 UTC* weekdays and 15 UTC on weekends) with a sweat buy up to 10x 1K sweat for 2,5 PED on Cyrene. Every Friday at 18 UTC and Sunday at 21 UTC we do HSL hunting events at the Ngu Volcano Land Area with 150 PED in prizes.

To celebrate our second anniversary here on Cyrene, BIG Industries will host hunts and extended SSIs with 15K sweat buys for a whole week starting on Monday May 6th and finishing with two Special SSIs and 30k sweat buys on Saturday and Sunday (May 11th/12th).
Expect Dev spawned creatures, shootouts for high markup items, some fun trivia and games for giveaways at these Special SSIs! Right after the biggest bosses will be spawned in our midst. Better bring your best weapons to keep them in check! On top of that we scheduled various fun and competitive events during the weekend where you can show your skills to win some prizes.

Use the weekly FREE BIG Warp on Sunday May 5th at 17 UTC from Calypso, Arkadia or Next Island to get to Cyrene in time to participate in our events throughout the week. Or use our special FREE BIG Warp on Friday May 10th at 18 UTC to join our official Anniversary Party over the weekend.

You are new on Cyrene? Check out https://cyrenedream.org/cyrenedream-home and learn everything there is to know about our beautiful planet and get all teleporters (https://cyrenedream.org/teleporters). You might need them.

BIG Industries and Planet Cyrene invite you all to come and celebrate with us!

Monday, May 6th

17 UTC 5P1D3R Merfolken Hunt. Meeting Point for this and all other hunts will be (/wp [Planet Cyrene, 138259, 76275, 111, Atlas Hunting Grounds]). There a hunting team of 10 players will be assembled. Every member will get a Rubio and some ammo. For more fun you can buy 5 PED additional ammo from us or bring your own. We will be hunting until our Rubios break!

When all is set up, we teleport to (/wp [Planet Cyrene, 131674, 76393, 105, Mer Beach Keys]) to hunt Generation I 5P1D3Rs and Scout Merfolken.

19-21 UTC Tide Claw SSI with up to 15K sweat buys for 2,5 PED per 1K sweat at (/wp [Planet Cyrene, 138843, 78160, 106, Tide Claw SSI]). Beware of their claws! They are sharp! If you are a healer and want show your skills, you are welcome to join our sweat event. We expect a lot of cuts and bruises.


Tuesday, May 7th

17 UTC Living Duster Vortex Hunt. Meeting Point again is (/wp [Planet Cyrene, 138259, 76275, 111, Atlas Hunting Grounds]). A hunting team of 10 players will be formed once more with priority to those who haven’t participated in Mondays hunt. You will get a Rubio and some ammo and then we teleport to (/wp [Planet Cyrene, 135762, 79503, 107, Kwarn]) to hunt Duster Worker and Gale Living Vortex until our Rubios decay to dust.

19-21 UTC Nimet SSI
with up to 15K sweat buys at (/wp [Planet Cyrene, 134100, 76665, 105, Nimet SSI]). These creatures deal area damage so some extra focus will be needed. Bring your Synchronization Chips!

Wednesday, May 8th

17 UTC Rhino Chang’s Mang Beetle Hunt. We meet as usual at (/wp [Planet Cyrene, 138259, 76275, 111, Atlas Hunting Grounds]). A team of 10 will get Rubios and ammo. All who haven’t participated in a previous hunt will be picked first into the team. Our destination this time is (/wp [Planet Cyrene, 135875, 77713, 112, Zyn Forest]). Puny Mang Changs and Rhino Beetles won’t even know what’s coming!

19-21 UTC Stalker Tree Dragon SSI with up to 15K sweat buys at (/wp [Planet Cyrene, 134369, 78820, 102, Tree Dragon Stalker SSI]). The biggest of all the Tree Dragons surprisingly live on the beach, so bring your bikini or mankini to fit into the natural environment. Healers are welcome to join! These Dragons can be mean.

Thursday, May 9th

17 UTC Skyshattering Zeladoth Hunt. At (/wp [Planet Cyrene, 138259, 76275, 111, Atlas Hunting Grounds]) we will look for 10 brave hunters for our team. Equipped with Rubios and ammo we will first teleport to (/wp [Planet Cyrene, 138985, 75125, 110, Isle de Zel]) and later to (/wp [Planet Cyrene, 134235, 80558, 111, Outer Rim]) to meet some furious Zeladoth Alpha/Beta and Basic Skyshatter Drones. Let’s see if we can keep them in check.

19-21 UTC Mutated Dire Plant SSI with up to 15K sweat buys at (/wp [Planet Cyrene, 131535, 75591, 111, Mutated Dire Plant SSI]). Those plants are amazingly mobile and have a very long-range attack. Sweaters who have encountered them before suggest to abandon the typical circle formation for a more practical sweat line.

Friday, May 10th

17 UTC Nimet Spearman’s Mang Beetle Hunt. For the last time we will meet at (/wp [Planet Cyrene, 138259, 76275, 111, Atlas Hunting Grounds]) to assemble our hunting team of 10. We then teleport to (/wp [Planet Cyrene, 133715, 76477, 102, Great Plains]). The surrounding area is filled with Weak Nimets, Guardian Merfolken Spearman, Puny Mang Changs and Rhino Beetles. Let’s disturb the peace between all of them a bit!

18 UTC The FREE BIG Warp starting on Calypso, going over Arkadia and Next Island, will bring you all to Cyrene early enough to catch all teleporters and check out some “Must See Locations” before our official Anniversary Party weekend starts. Warp teams will be open at 17 UTC. Check your planet channel to get an invite.

18-19 UTC BIG Industries weekly **FREE** HSL at Ngu Volcano (/wp [Planet Cyrene, 133199, 79919, 101, Ngu Volcano]).
This land area is the home of Flesh Rippers (1.000 – 1.500 HP), Old Jack (1.300 HP) and various maturities of Renegade Hazard Mechs (250 – 7.500 HP).
Compete with other hunters for 150 PED in prizes in our Highest Single Loot Hunting Event. You will find this free to register event in the event list of the game (press B to open the event list).

19-21 UTC Mang Chang SSI with up to 15K sweat buys at (/wp [Planet Cyrene, 137744, 79761, 104, Mang Chang SSI]). The Zyn Tribes will grant us access to their precious farm animals to gather some sweat at this beautiful beach location. Get some tips and tricks from locals which places to visit on Cyrene. Chat a bit about the weekend ahead. Don’t miss this SSI!

Saturday, May 11th

12-13 UTC Stairway from Heaven


Are you free from dizziness? Then come to Sky Labs and meet us at (/wp [Planet Cyrene, 138789, 79899, 957, Sky Stairs]) where every misstep will reward you with a scenic freefall into the sea hundreds of meters below. Be the first to step into the rings at the end of the course to emerge victorious right where you started. You can't put a prize on the honor that comes with that! ...but we will try anyway.

14-16 UTC It is time for our main event, the Special SSI with up to 30K sweat buy for 2,5 PED per 1K sweat, including fun trivia questions and games for giveaways near Zyn'Tukano Border TP (/wp [Planet Cyrene, 138121, 78459, 140, SSI]).

There will be a shootout for some high markup items during the event. Get yourself an Initiate’s Laser Pistol (L) from the trade terminal if you want to participate. This will be the ONLY weapon you are allowed to use. You cannot win if you use any other weapon!

16-17 UTC Boss Spawns! Right after the end of SSI the most massive Cyrene Creatures will try to scare you away. See Byg Byrds, Clyfford - The Mecha Arret, the Monstrously Toxic Jellyworm and The Duke! You will need your biggest weapons to bring them down! We call on all hunters to show their skills and keep those creatures from taking over Cyrene. (This event might get rescheduled to Sunday. In that case we would go to the (/wp [Planet Cyrene, 137913, 79415, 173, High Desert Wave]) or the (/wp [Planet Cyrene, 136276, 75761, 100, Rift Wave]) Event instead. We will keep you informed.)

18-19 UTC One, two, TREEEEE again. Show your driving skills by avoiding to hit a tree on our rally course at (/wp [Planet Cyrene, 132942, 80943, 123, Footwall Islands]) Cross the finish line as 1-3rd and win some prizes!

We will be racing with the Explorer Mk. 1 (L). Please bring your own if you have one. If you don’t, we can provide some for a collateral of 10 PED. We will be here at 17:30 UTC already and strongly recommend you come earlier too to do some training laps.

20-21 UTC Volcano Hike


After a long day of racing, sweating and shooting let’s relax a little and enjoy nature. We start down at (/wp [Planet Cyrene, 133199, 79919, 101, Ngu Volcano Land Area]) and find our way up to the Volcano Crater Lake to go skinny-dipping. Speed buffs will not be allowed. This is not a race! Yes, it is! You can win some prizes if you are among the first who dare to jump into the Crater Lake.

Sunday, May 12th

10-11 UTC Gather together. Meeting Point is (/wp [Planet Cyrene, 138259, 76275, 111, Atlas Hunting Grounds]). From there we will teleport to various locations on Cyrene to go Fruit Walking. Be the first to send us the location of a specific fruit, stone or smelly dung in the surrounding area and trade this essential information for some Turrelion Essence. You might want to discover some teleporters before the event.

12-13 UTC Screecher Survival Mode. Since we killed all the invading Piglets during the Winter Wonder Party last year, this time our friends from Planet Next Island provided us with some delicious Screecher Lollipops! Meeting point will be (/wp [Planet Cyrene, 132126, 74542, 107, New Janus Estates]). Every participant will get a Screecher Lollipop and becomes a “cute” little birdie for 10 minutes. Sadly for you, those birds can’t fly or run very fast. They might easily fall prey to one of our local hunters. The last unplucked Screecher running around will be named “Last of it’s Kind” and killed immediately right after to be preserved in a museum forever. Oh, and win a cool prize of course!

14-16 UTC Special SSI with shared mobs and up to 30K sweat buy for 2,5 PED per 1K including fun trivia questions and games for giveaways near Zyn'Tukano Border TP (/wp [Planet Cyrene, 138121, 78459, 140, SSI]). Chat with Shawna and Kris, our Dev Team, poke them with your questions about Cyrene and what might be in store with future updates.


We hope you didn’t throw away your Initiate’s Laser Pistol (L) yet! You might need it again during this event.

16-17 UTC
Boss Spawns, Part 2! Cyrene’s Boss Creatures will start another attempt to rule the planet. Don’t let them succeed! Every hunter on Cyrene looking for some prey one can’t miss, is welcome to join our hunting party. Come to our SSI place near Zyn'Tukano Border TP. Swirlies are guaranteed!

17 UTC The weekly FREE BIG Warp brings you back from Cyrene to Arkadia, Next Island and Calypso. Meeting point will be the SSI Circle near Zyn'Tukano Border (/wp [Planet Cyrene, 138121, 78459, 140, SSI). All who came to Cyrene with our BIG Warp on Friday will still be on the guest list of our ship and won’t have to join a warp team to get summoned up. For everyone else we will open the usual warp team. (Please leave the team as soon as you are on board our ship so others can join it.)

21-22 UTC BIG Industries weekly **FREE** Ngu Volcano HSL (/wp [Planet Cyrene, 133199, 79919, 101, Ngu Volcano])
Compete with other hunters for 150 PED in prizes in our Highest Single Loot Hunting Event.
Ngu Volcano is the home of Flesh Rippers (1.000 – 1.500 HP), Old Jack (1.300 HP) and different maturities of Renegade Hazard Mechs (250 – 7.500 HP).
You will find this free to register event in the event list of the game (press B to open the event list).

* UTC = Game Time (write /time in chat or press . outside the chat to see the time)
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Some Anniversary pics from Monday and Tuesday.

Our week-long party started off on Monday at 17 UTC with a 5P1D3R Merfolken Hunt.

Spiders in the dark! Only the bravest hunters dared to get near them.


The Merfolken after were much nicer. One even gave us a 47 PED global.


At 19 UTC it was time for the Tide Claw SSI. Don't try to sweat the old ones! They are way too mean for their size and made our healers produce more sweat then the rest of us could gather.


On Tuesday we went for our Living Duster Vortex Hunt in the destroyed City of Kwarn to get rid of some Dust-ers there.


Don't get too close or you will get swarmed by them! We had some casualities in the beginning.

It was hot and no one wanted to cross the desert by foot to get to the Living Vortex, so we decided to fly to them.


Sadly these Djinns didn't grant us our wish for a global.


At 19 UTC is was time for the Nimet SSI. Two lucky sweaters even won the first giveaways!



On Wednesday we went Puny Bashing on our Rhino Chang’s Mang Beetle Hunt.
But these Puny Rhino Beetles aren't as cute as you might think. They start at 1.000 HP and have a nasty bite.


Much nicer are the small Mang Changs with only 800 HP. We even found a rich one worth 81 PED!
Btw. you can win the Red-Polka-Dot textured clothes I am wearing during our Special SSIs on the weekend.


At 19 UTC it was time to chillax on the beach with our Stalker Tree Dragon SSI. I don't know how they can survive there. There are no trees anywhere.


Before you ask, yes, this polka dotted Sleipnir is also one of the many giveaways you can win.

On Thursday at 17 UTC we gathered for the fourth time this week at Altas Hunting Grounds to form a hunting party. This time it was for a Skyshattering Zeladoth Hunt.

With no armor and just Rubio guns we only dared to take on the Alphas. And even they bite your head off when you don't stay in close formation!


For the 2nd half of the hunt we teleported to the Outer Rim to face the Skyshatter Robot Menace. We fought them off until our guns fell apart and then some.


The last event of the day was the Mutated Dire Plant SSI. As you can see on the picture, the usual sweat circle doesn't work with them. Little by little they lured us deeper into the island until all of the sudden we got ambushed. There was so much weed everywhere! One even lit up our kill team when it globaled.

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And here we are on Friday already.

One last time we assembled a team of 10 experienced hunters and armed them with Rubios and ammunition. The location for our Nimet Spearman’s Mang Beetle Hunt were the Great Plains.


Here live a nice mixture of creatures. Various maturities of Nimet...


...share this place with Mang Chang, Merfolken Spearman...


...and Rhino Beetles. If you are a tamer, this is the place to go! You can even find Paneleons here to whip.


The highlight of the day was the Mang Chang SSI. We started the event with PETS FOR EVERYONE! A special thanks to TimeLord for sponsoring them all.

The Zyn Tribes seem to feed their farm animals very well. Not only are they pretty sweaty, we also found a fat one worth 79 PED. But don't be mistaken, without heal support you will not last very long. Only go sweating them in a large sweating group.



Saturdays events started with the Stairway from Heaven at Sky Labs.


It's a pretty challenging platform where you can't be afraid of heights.


There is no railing at the stairs you need to jump down to get to the end. Every misstep can send you into a freefall down to the sea.


We made a few runs and even though there were times when only one of us conquered the stairs, in the end everyone became a Sky Stairs Master and won a prize.


Welcome to the main event of our BIG Anniversary Week, the Special SSI!
Two hours of sweating some of the biggest creatures Cyrene has to offer, spawned by our Devs Kris and Shawna.


Sweat buys up tp 30K for 2,5 PED/1K, trivia questions and games for giveaways and two shootouts for highly seeked Pristine Elements made the time fly by way too fast.


Before we knew it, this SSI was already over again and the Boss Spawns began. Cyrene's most massive creatures appeared! Byg Byrds...


...followed by Clyfford - The Mecha Arret...


...and a Tide Claw so big it covered the ground double the size of our sweat circle, at least!


No time for a long break after the Boss Spawns because it was One, two, TREEEEE again!


On our rally course on Footwall Island the trees grow back so fast that even the best lumberjacks can barely clear a path wide enough for our Explorer cars to pass.


Up and down the hills the racers had to drive five laps to show their skills.


In the end Uso was the one no one could beat. Congratulations to the winner! He was the best today.


The last event on Saturday took place at the Ngu Volcano Land Area were BIG Industries hosts two HSL Hunting Events with 150 PED in prizes every week (fridays and sundays).


This time we were just here to relax and enjoy nature on our Volcano Hike.


The goal was to reach the crater lake.


Since the volcano is pretty steep you need strong legs and endurance to reach the top.


But the bath in the warm crater lake was worth all the efford we put in to get there.



On Sunday, the last day of our BIG 2-Year-Anniversary week, we decided to Gather together in our first event.


The goal was to go fruit, stone and dung walking.


Then send the waypoint of your findings and trade this valuable information for some Turrellion Essence.


I must say, we had very experienced participants. At some point of the event I couldn't even keep up with verifying all the locations!


Next up, Screecher Survival Mode! Everyone got a delicious Screecher Lollipop, sponsored by our friends from planet Next Island.


We then entered the New Janus Estate.


All not wearing black and white polka dot clothes took their lollipops and transformed into Screechers.


Aren't they all looking cute?


Run for you birdie life little Screecher or hide and hope to not be found.


In the end we got them all! The prize for being last of it's kind went to Axe.


At 14 UTC it was time again for two hours full of games and trivia questions for giveaways during our Special SSI!


Twice this scary Pumpkin showed up in our midst just to be taken down in seconds. The players firing the last shot were rewarded with a pristine prize again.


At some point we counted more then 50 people sweating and having fun.


Among the giveaways we had some cyrene-textured Sleipnirs and clothes. Yes, I even gave away my last shirt!


For the grand finale of this SSI a Turrellion Zeladoth showed up trying to lure us into the Negaverse.


No chance we were going anywhere since right after it was time for Boss Spawns, Part 2!


The Duke, Byg Byrds, Clyfford - The Mecha Arret, the Monstrously Toxic Jellyworm and the Gigantic Scuttler - all bosses came again for a last attempt to rule the planet. However hard they tried, we defeated them all and saved Cyrene!


Thanks everyone for coming and celebrating our 2nd Anniversary here on Cyrene with us! Special thanks to our Dev Team Kris and Shawna, to all who sponsored items and to all helping make these events possible.

See you all next time!
